• 主题:Will Ssild Work Even If You Go To Bed Later Than 11
  • The guide says go to bed at 11, but I was wondering, I go to bed around 1:30, so will that work?    
    Yes. You just need a few hours of sleep, wake up a bit, and execute the technique properly.  
    I tend to have issues falling asleep after SSILD. Any tips?  
    I finish my work at 11pm so by the time I get home it's 11:30, then I get some food, hang out for a bit and go to bed at about 1:30-2:00 am. Then I wake up after about 5 hours of sleep and do SSILD and it works. My answer could just have come down to "yes, it will" but I think it's important to provide the details of the routine to have a more definitive and accurate answer. As long as you can hit 5-6 hours of sleep prior to SSILD you are most likely going to be doing well.