• 主题:Blogspot 宇宙の铁:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Off
  • So you noticed a higher success rate when you were *more* tired, and when you did a "worse" job of following the technique?  It seems from reading closely that the subtle theme of this technique is in being extremely passive and non-perfectionist about the method.  This seems to be the mysterious component many people don't "get" until they've already had success with the technique.  I personally have tried half-heartedly doing SSILDs and have had many cool experiences but no lucid success.

    Maybe there is a way to word this subtle "paradoxical"/"confusing" aspect of the technique, the part about just letting yourself drift off and not "trying" too hard?  Somebody who has had success with the technique, ( @cosmiciron ) could you help us understand this part?  maybe put it eloquently in a way we can remember?