• 主题:Blogspot 宇宙の铁:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Off
  • ok so after trying the method for a while i yesterday got my first lucid, or to be exact, semi-lucid dream. it was really blurry but at least it worked :P

    what usually happens is i go to sleep after setting up an alarm for 6 hours(for the WBTB part) at somewhere between 12am and 2am, i have a very temporary sleep cycle, then i wake up and go to sleep right away since i don't want to lose my tierdness. i do the fast cycles and slow ones but usually i'll go into trance and forget how many cycles i did so i restart for a previous cycle or just fall asleep to soon :(

    i should note that sometimes my brain "wakes up" from the trance and then i restart from the previous cycle.

    after doing that(if i succeeded in not sleeping) i turn around in bed alot so i do one cycle every time i turn to just make sure and then i go to sleep and pray to god it works,not literally though :P

    and that's pretty much it, but how will i find those FA's aside from RC's? i mean, won't i wake up  after i dreamt and know i dreamt??????

    thanks again for the technique  
    ok so now i need help in  another thing: i didn't get much time for practicing the technique and the main reason is that i have alot of studying to do and the other one which is even worse is the fact that i'm never tired!!!!! even during the morning after waking up, sometimes i just find myself not tired enough to fall asleep.is there any way i can get around that?????  
    Thanks i'll try those, unfortunately, i really haven't had an LD with this method ever since that semi lucid, not really any dreams for that matter!!!

    could this be because i don't check for reality checks, or maybe it just dosen't work?

    I really am confused...

    I still do it the usual way, though this time I go to sleep a bit earlier (about 23-00:30) then i wake up at 7:30AM for some reason.I do the fast cycles, then go for the slow ones.

    I still turn around in bed alot and often slip into a trance but I make up for it with an extra cycle or maybe restart from the previous one, I also do a cycle for every time I turn because that's what you said to do in your FAQ'S.Then I(hopefully) go to sleep.

    I really think this method has great potential,
    I hope to see it soon...  
    welp i gave up :(