• 主题:How Do I Increase My Monthly Ld Count
  • Hi,

    I've been lucid dreaming intentionally and consistently for about 3 years now.  I've gotten to the point where I have roughly 4-5 LDs a month (with an occasional dry spell some months).  I really would like to double that number.  Does anyone have any tips on increasing the number of lucid dreams they have and maybe share some of their experiences with this process?  

    This should be moved to a better place.

    When you say Intentionally I assume you mean you have been trying induction methods? Which one do you use? I like to use the MILD technique. And it easily gives me double the amount of lds you have been having.  
    Hi dakotahnok,

    Thanks for the assist.  Mostly, I've been giving myself suggestions before sleep and sometimes writing "affirmations" in my dream journal.  Also, since I've been reading more on them I think they've been happening more spontaneously than before.  I'm not too keen on all the LD lingo yet since I've been pretty isolated in my efforts till now.  I'll research the MILD technique and give it a try. I notice you've had 70 LDs in the past year.  Any that you've induced from waking consciousness?    

    I read Lucid Dreaming by Robert Waggoner this past year and I ended up having loads of spontaneous LDs as well as exploring new ways of engaging the dream that I'd never even thought of before.  My biggest hurdle is increasing the count and staying lucid.  Though I don't consider myself a complete novice, I'm kind of on the edge of novice/intermediate student so I really appreciate your advice!  
    I don't know how much this will help, but for me at least in my WILD's, it seems I have more of them at times in which i'm not actually trying to have them. My DILD's remain consistently random but my WILD's have increased in frequency quite dramatically when I stopped trying "too hard".  
    Moved to Attaining Lucidity.

    You can do much more than simply writing affirmations in your DJ. The MILD technique involves affirmations but it also revolves around confidence and possibly imagining yourself becoming lucid. If you haven't yet, check out Naiya's MILD Technique because it's very helpful. Try working on physical and mental awareness too; all lucid dreams are caused by awareness (WILD is staying aware while falling asleep, DILD is becoming aware in the dream), so what better way to induce them than by heightening your consciousness in waking life?  
    WBTB is a must, and you should do it at the time that works best for you -- you need to have a firm understanding of sleep cycles and do lots of experiments. DILDs are not reliable methods, and if you want to have consistent results then you should definitely master WILD. Once you can WILD effectively, you will have close to 100% success rate, which means multiple LDs every night!