• 主题:Help Near Success Wild
  • Hi everyone, first posting here but i have been following the site for a long time, only that now i really need help.First a little insight on my experience:

    I started researching about lucid dreaming some months ago, and the FIRST week, i got really focused on it, saw a common dream signal that was present in nearly all my dreams and used it to do reality checks.

    After 4 days or so i got into a lucid dream for the first time. But i was too excited and after 2 minutes or so i got up :/

    I was tired of the MILD so i really focused on getting WILD to work.

    I started practicing every day, since 2 weeks or so. Every night i would go a bit further, first night couldnt stop moving, swallowing... so total failure.

    Now i can stand perfectly still, everything gets black and after a few minutes i feel my body numble, i guess thats when i get into SP (weird thing is that if i open eyes i can move Question )

    But then after some time i start to fade into different "planes" of blackness, like getting in an out, like getting deeper into the dream, and finally start to see the hypnogogic images like when i close my eyes and rub them. I read thats the way to go, but i can never get past this stage, sometimes i think of random images/situations but i dont see them clearly and they dont develop into LD, so finally i usually get tired and open eyes, try a few times without success and eventually sleep.

    Well the thing that made me decide to make this post is that yesterday i got a bit "further".

    My body felt numb, but this time it was like if i was lifting away from it, like floating in water. then I got to hypnogogic phase, but this time it was different, i tried not to focus on anything, let it flow and eventually everyting started like "vibrating" like the images pulsing really fast like flashes, but then got excited again (heart was insanely fast and loud) and got awake. But this time, MY ARM WAS PARALYZED, like if it was dead, i could barely move it and it would fall like dead. I was sleeping with it extended so it MUST be SP, wich got me really excited sinc i was kinda afraid of it and now im more confident.

    **The problem is that i cant Jump to the next level after seeing shapes and shapes for a long time, how can i get it?? I rreally want to experience a WILD and i feel that im really close but i cant get to it

    BTW most of times my eyes start moving like crazy, without control, the "further" i get they move crazier, and yesterday even my whole face started "contracting" it isnt dangerous, kinda fun actually and weird at same time, but i was wondering if it has relation because i know REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement.

    Sorry for the long post but i wanted to share all my experience so you could understand better my situation.:
    Thank you VERY MUCH!!! Very Happy  
    Just let it take you in, keep noticing the HP, and let it engluf you and transport you to a dream!  
    Thannk, you!! actually yesterday i got REALLY close, i started to get like vibrations and a tunneling effect i had never experienced before, and everything got really intense and then bam! a cat fight outside my window.

    I was like WTF this sound hallucinations are damn scary, but i remained calm. Well it seems it wasnt an allucination because my brother heard it too , the good thing is that i can stand any weird sound lol.

    anyways im gonna get some ear plugs because i think most of my problems are related to ambient distractions.

    hope to get to WILD soon  
    Congratulations! I'm sure you're sooo close! THe first thing I was going to say was "Are you sure the cats weren't a hallucination?" But never mind xD

    I recommend staying away from the earl plugs, I don't know why, I just think you should go without, you can't let the one cat thing worry you? But eh, up to you

    You're going alot better than I am, good luck!  
    The key to WILD is timing, but most people do not realize that. First off, when to WILD -- if you try to do that as the first thing you go to sleep, you will fail. Second, how long to WILD -- if you keep doing it for a long time, to the point you get exhausted and so awake you can hardly fall asleep, you will fail.

    Trying to induce SP by staying motionless is difficult. You will run into all kind of problems such as swallowing, and SP is not that pleasant to deal with for many people. That method works best when your physical body is extremely tired but mind is very much awake. If you get lucky you may get it to work once in a while, but it cannot give you consistent result.

    One more thing about WILD -- A common misunderstanding is that with WILD you stay conscious while your body falls asleep. In reality that's rarely the case. Most often you DO fall asleep but you wake up soon after that. Essentially there will be a gap between your losing consciousness and re-gaining it. Therefore, the key to successful WILD is not to stay conscious, but to be able to sleep quickly, then wake up soon after that.  
    I will try without plugs, but my house is REALLY noisy lol

    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    if you keep doing it for a long time, to the point you get exhausted and so awake you can hardly fall asleep, you will fail.


    Oh, thats what happens to me all the time, I can try for an hour or so and after that i open my eyes and its really difficult for me to sleep, its not a good experience

    Any more tips i can use to solve my situation, because it seems im doing it wrong.  
    Transitioning is always the hardest part. Practice!  
    Originally Posted by aperting:
    I will try without plugs, but my house is REALLY noisy lol:

    Oh, thats what happens to me all the time, I can try for an hour or so and after that i open my eyes and its really difficult for me to sleep, its not a good experience

    Any more tips i can use to solve my situation, because it seems im doing it wrong.

    Take a look at my post - "A Practical Recipe for Inducing LDs and OBEs". The exercises described in that article are easy to follow and have gotten very positive feedbacks from the users in another forum.

    Some tips:

    - Don't do it without getting at least four hours of sleep
    - Develop the habit of immediately applying induction techniques upon any awakenings throughout the night

    - Do NOT do any relaxation exercises -- in contrary to popular beliefs, relaxation techniques do not enhance your WILD experience. When performed poorly, they tend to keep you awake and often frustrated. Even when done correctly, they put you into a state of mind that's not suitable for WILD.

    - The only relaxation you should do is to quickly relax your mind and tell yourself to fall asleep ASAP

    - WBTB is best friend. Try to do one WILD attempt at night, then another one in the morning after WBTB. You will most likely succeed after the WBTB, whereas the previous one serves as a warm-up.  
    lol Darkmatters

    I will put that into practice tonight CosmicIron, i clearly fail at the realaxing part, since i try so hard to realx that i cant get to sleep.