• 主题:Practical Recipe Inducing Lds Obes
  • Thanks for taking your time to post this method. I've been looking for a better understanding on how I can achieve OBE. Btw when you're having a LD how do you switch to OBE and vice-versa?  
    Thanks for the explanation. So what you're saying is basically when I have a false awakening I'm having an OBE. Since my room would be an illusion wouldn't it mean that I'd still be dreaming whenever I start moving around?  
    But if the room were an illusion, how will I transfer into reality since everything I'd be doing in the dream would be fake? I mean isn't OBE taken place in the normal realm and not in a dream?  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    Traditional astral projection techniques are usually very convoluted, but in the end your projection always works the same way as WILD. The complex trainings essentially just cultivate/program the subconscious mind to adapt to a particular spiritual/religious paradigm. As a result, lots of disciplines are injected into a practitioner's subconscious; thus, people tend to have more “realistic” and “stable” experiences during projection, in comparison to lucid dreaming.  

    Having said all that, I'm not dismissing LDs/OBEs as pure illusions and nothing more. Through practice, people indeed can achieve a higher state of mind, which opens a portal that leads to all kind of wonders and miracles. Of course, as you said in your post, that is beyond the scope of this post, and therefore we will not get into that.


    Where can I go to read up on that topic on this website?