• 主题:Practical Recipe Inducing Lds Obes
  • Cosmic, i like the information you provided. Too bad you got people here like solarflare who nark things up about something pointless.

    I'm going to try your recipe and thank you for your time you dedicated so generously merely for the benefit of others in need.  
    Originally Posted by Origami:
    Ok, right, let's get all this straight now-

    I'm sorry for calling you spam or whatever, but you have to admit creating a second account and insta posting some new super successful recipe (which has to yet to have any backing other than what you say, for all we know only you did this and it worked) wasn't the best way to start off.

    You know you can't have two accounts, and will have one deleted, etc etc

    If you could re-post this topic with a better intro as your new self, we all would be happy to read it then.


    *shoves her dirty hand in origami's mouth*  Shh....

    Ok so i tried this last night and got to the "find a better position and fall quickly asleep" part. And i got stuck in the half-sleep. I don't know if you know what i mean ( i made a thread about it called something like "half-dreams"). I was basically stuck in this all-gray half-sleep world where i can only slightly interact with my main DC and from there it's super hard to get to full dream mode.  
    Originally Posted by Solarflare:
    both accounts get banned

    *glares at solarflare with a passion*

    I'd like it if cosmic would be able to comment on my issue mentioned on the now previous page.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    First, thank you for at least giving the recipe a try... sigh.  It is not uncommon that you experience this half-sleep thing while doing the exercise. There are several possible causes:

    - Your mind is not letting go, so you never enter the dream completely. Sometimes when this happens it feels more like day dreaming. Random thoughts pop up all the time, and some may turn into dreams briefly, but do not feel real at all -- usually third person perspective or being narrated by you. When this happens, you should try to fall asleep ASAP instead of hanging onto your last string of consciousness. Chances are if you do fall asleep, your consciousness will come back soon after you enter a real dream; or you may experience a false awakening.

    - You are in a prolonged false awakening state. Basically you think you are awake, lying on the bed and practicing; but in reality you have already fallen asleep. If you find yourself lying there for a long time, you should repeat the first and second steps in the recipe. By cycling through the watch-hear-move cycle, you are further pushed toward the state of phase entrance. Meantime, they serve as a detector -- if you are already in a false awakening, then cycling these techniques will likely generate results. For example, you may suddenly find your hands moving freely in a weightless fashion. Congrats! You are experiencing an OBE!

    - You are stuck in a non-REM period of your sleep cycle. This can happen due to waking up earlier in the night and start doing the exercise without getting enough sleep. REMs come more frequently and become longer toward the end of our sleep. Even though we can experience OBE/LD without REM, those experiences outside of the REMs are hardly desirable.

    Here are some suggestions:

    - The best time to practice is after doing a morning WBTB.
    - Do NOT be afraid of falling asleep. Keep in mind that none of the good things will happen if you don't at least fall asleep once  

    - If you find yourself staying awake for too long, then try repeating step 1 and 2 of the recipe (the cycling technique).

    - Develop the habit of performing the cycling technique at least a couple of times upon any awakenings during the sleep.

    Hope that helps!

    Thanks, i'll just try to relax and do the cycles again. I know for pretty certain that it's the third issue: stuck in a non-rem sleep period of the cycle. Thanks for your advice.