• 主题:Lucidity Sleep Paralysis
  • Hi guys... So I'm entering my 10th month of no lucidity and I feel like I'm closer than I used to be... But still so far.

    Last week I experienced auditory hypnagogia (but no sleep paralysis.)

    Anyway, the main point I'm getting to is: Two nights ago during my WILD attempt I fell asleep (on my back) and I had a vivid dream - which is normal for me - but I woke up in a completely different position.

    Does this mean I didn't go into sleep paralysis at all? And if so, then what the heck?

    I don't recall ever experiencing sleep paralysis through my life, but I also don't writhe around erratically or sleep walk when I'm asleep.

    Any help, please, guys?  
    Well, If you had a dream, then i would have thought your body would natrually paralyze itself anyway. i would say yes you did but i am no expert.  
    Originally Posted by CuriousCain:
    Hi guys... So I'm entering my 10th month of no lucidity and I feel like I'm closer than I used to be... But still so far.

    Last week I experienced auditory hypnagogia (but no sleep paralysis.)

    Anyway, the main point I'm getting to is: Two nights ago during my WILD attempt I fell asleep (on my back) and I had a vivid dream - which is normal for me - but I woke up in a completely different position.

    Does this mean I didn't go into sleep paralysis at all? And if so, then what the heck?

    I don't recall ever experiencing sleep paralysis through my life, but I also don't writhe around erratically or sleep walk when I'm asleep.

    Any help, please, guys?

    The most common form of SPs occurs during awakening (hypnopompic).  By doing WILD you are expecting SPs to occur prior to going into dreams, and the chance for this to happen naturally is limited.  Even though WILD users report a lot of SP experiences, IMO these are mostly SP-like experiences, and not really SPs in very strict sense.  When entering a phase the focus point of your awareness shifts away from your physical body.  When this happens you feel like paralyzed but that's not real SP.  

    It seems that you are having little success in attempting WILD.  I wonder if you are doing it correctly.  Please keep in mind that one of THE biggest beginner mistakes is to attempt WILD as the first thing they go to bed.  Even very experienced users will likely fail if they do this.  I suggest you go to bed early, get a full good 6 hours of sleep.  Get up and stay awake for 15 minutes then go back to bed to do WILD.  This way you will have much higher chance to succeed.  And do not force it beyond half hour.  If nothing happens within half hour, just roll and fall asleep.  You will have a higher chance to enter DILD later due to the exercise so it's all good.  Hope this helps.  Good luck!  
    Too much emphasis has been placed on sleep paralysis ... this is a natural state that occurs every night to all normal sleeping humans.  So, yes, if you were in deep sleep you already went through SP. The only thing being hyper-aware of SP will do is clue you into the fact that you are about to fall asleep however this can have the reverse effect as it can freak some people out. Anxiety can result and ergo no sleep. I concentrate on visualization and progressive muscle relaxation and completely ignore sleep paralysis as this is going to happen anyway.