• 主题:Break Free
  • I therefore affirm that my heart and mind are as pure as that of a baby.  
    Originally Posted by Sageous:

    You've touched upon a very important -- and often overlooked -- aspect of LD'ing; thanks for sharing!  :

    Since it is very difficult, if not impossible to truly enter a dream "like a new born baby with the purest mind and an innocent heart," do you think there might be other options?

    For instance, I think that if you develop a very high level of self-awareness during waking life, you should be able in the dream to remember that all these things, all these rules, are of your own creation and can be changed, manipulated, or simply erased if you set your mind to it.  

    In other words, it might be better to be fully aware of "Your" presence in a dream, and that you've dragged all of your life's baggage -- rules, expectations, beliefs, endless archetypes and metaphor, etc -- than to attempt to sidestep them.  That way you can do something about them as they occur; or at least have an understanding of why you can't fly through your dream house's damn ceiling again.  

    Also, a possible caveat: entering a dream with innocence and purity might, ironically, make lucidity very difficult, if not impossible (or even necessary, since that kind of attitude would create a wonderful experience unto itself).  Why?  Because LD'ing is all about bringing our "selves" into  a dream, and wouldn't entering one with "like a new born baby with the purest mind and an innocent heart" mean we're leaving our selves behind, in most cases?

    These are of course just thoughts -- I really think you've stated something important, and to which all LD'ers should pay attention and think about.  Just trying to push the conversation...


    What i understood from what cosmiciron is saying  is this: clear and empty your mind of  natural laws and control your dreams without an atom of doubt.  
    My mind is filled with fear and doubt. When i'm awake i feel i can invoke some higher spiritual being. But when LDing, the sensations i perceive are fearful.

    This should be under beyound dreaming, just siting an example. I need help too. . .  
    CosmicIron; thank you for being so elaborate, i appreciate.