• 主题:Ssild Official Tutorial (2.0)
  • Wow, that completely disagrees with this [highly upvoted post](http://www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming/comments/17gffp/proper_use_of_melatonin_please_upvote/), which says that melatonin increases REM and recommends that you take it after waking from the 4-5 hours sleep. I don't know what to believe now.  
    Tried this for the first time last night. No lucid dreams, but did remember a few non-lucid ones after waking up. Gonna keep trying.  
    Oh, I did, I followed the instructions. [These](http://pastebin.com/zWGMikTE) are the complete notes from my lucid dreaming log for last night. It was also only my third night trying to lucid dream at all, I only got interested in LD very recently.  
    Thanks for the pointers. I tried again last night

    > Took 2mg melatonin 30m-1h before sleep. Went to bed, special alarm set for 5h30m later. Woke up, didn't immediately do a reality check again but one within a couple minutes of waking up. Remembered some dreams, wrote them down, went to the bathroom, drank some water, and went back to bed. Did some cycles, had some difficulty concentrating on them, kept getting distracted. Had some more imagery, don't remember of what though. Never felt any tingling or numbness tough. Don't remember whether I finished the cycles or not before I fell asleep. Woke up later, and started the wake up -> do some cycles -> fall back asleep routine. I remembered to do a reality check at every wakeup I remember, at some of them I felt actually uncertain of whether I was in a dream, but ended up finding myself in reality every time. At one wakeup I remembered a dream that I think was pretty detailed, but never wrote it down, and can't remember it anymore. It wasn't lucid though.

    Didn't remember to stop and observe the imagery :/. Only used one alarm, the one to get me up for WBTB. Should I have gotten up and written down the dream I remembered and subsequently forgot, or would that have "broken the trance" and lowered my chances of succeeding? I'd also been up for almost 24 hours when I went to bed and was very tired, that probably had an effect, causing me to forget to observe the imagery and not get up and write down the dream.  
    So this technique is known to cause a lot of FAs, in fact many more FAs than LDs. Any thoughts on taking advantage of the FAs by learning to reliably them into full-blown LDs? This seems like an obvious thing to do, but I haven't seen much discussion of it, even to explain why it won't work. (I haven't actually had any succesful LDs or FAs yet so I'm just speculating, take this comment for what it's worth...)  
    Had my first lucid dream on my fourth SSILD attempt! It only lasted a few seconds after going lucid though. Dream-initiated, from noticing something that only ever happens to me in dreams. Haven't had any false awakenings still.

    I've been having a hard time doing all of the cycles. I keep drifting off for minutes at a time, and not into dreamlike imagery, just lying there like I was going to sleep normally. One thing that has slightly helped is counting breaths and focusing on each sense for first 3 breaths, then 4 breaths, and so on, though I still drift off a lot. Is this problematic, maybe it's too much like meditation where you concentrate on the breath? I know drifting off is okay to an extent, but I'm not even getting to finish all my cycles before falling asleep. Other people must have had this problem too, do you have any tips for dealing with it?