• 主题:+1 For Ssild. Had My First High Quality Ld In 6 Months Afte
  • Will not bore you with the details of the dreams, only what I did and how I got lucid.
    A DEILD performance is included.

    Went to bed at 23.30 (11.30 PM).

    I set an alarm, though I don't remember specifically waking up from that.
    Woke up at 04.27.
    Went to the toilet and drank a glass of water.
    Did 4-6 short cycles of SSILD.
    Started doing the slow cycles.
    Did maybe 4-5 before I started getting distracted by my thoughts.
    I did more slow cycles whenever I remembered it.
    Had a slight trouble falling asleep again.
    Tossed around 3-4 times until I fell asleep.

    Had some non-LD until at one point I was walking down the street and realized that the next thing I was supposed to do was to go to school and I instantly knew that I was asleep.

    Continued to have level 6/10 LD from there, forgot to do proper stabilization, but could summon and controll DCs.

    Started to wake up at one point, so I focused on the dream scene as I woke up and didn't move or open my eyes. After ~15 seconds I was back in the fully lucid dream. Dreamt on from that until I woke myself up.

    EDIT. Newcomers: There is a search box right there ------------->>    Let it be your friend. If people can see you have done something yourself to try and find an answer before you ask questions, they will more happily type out extensive replies.    
    That's just awesome, it seems like this SSILD techniques is the best technique out there, atleast for newbies.  
    I wish this subreddit had less technical acronyms in it. As a newcomer, it's impossible to understand most posts.  
    I tried SSILD for the first time two days ago and had my first false awakening.  
    If you use the search box you will know what SSILD is within a couple of seconds.  
    I have had two successful SSILDs - two nights in a row. I think this method is a fantastic one for people who are just starting out and have had little to no luck with the other methods.  
    Took a couple seconds to read that and you couldve just said what they were instead. Doesnt change the fact all the acronyms are hard for newcomers  
    Yes but why does a large amount of new people on this specific sub insist on making someone else spend time hyperlinking something that shows up in a quick search?

    I quick view through posts from last couple of days reveals that too many people here don't want to do shit to find out something themselves instead of spamming. My teacher hates when people ask questions that you clearly would have known the answer to if you had read the text for today's class.

    Well, here people expect others to type out answers instead of searching. Even a Google search of the word SSILD gives the answer at the very top.  
    Nothing to say..you're right.  
    I don't know why OP is being downvoted, it's a sub for both newbies and veterans alike. You can't always expect everything to be explained for you. On the topic of SSILD, congrats OP, it's seems to be a great method for raising your awareness in a dream state.  
    I know, and I did just that. I just think some of the acronyms are unnecessary for the most part. It's not just your post, but its a large number of all posts here. It's just a suggestion, that's all.  
    Honestly, I've been around here for a while and I *still* have to look up some of the acronyms; I think this is partially due to the fact that they more-or-less all end in ILD.

    I think the most considerate solution would be like they do in the scientific literature: the first time you spell it out, followed by the abbreviation, and ever after you just use the abbreviation (e.g., last night i engaged in hypersonic-hyperbaric-induced lucid dreaming (HHILD).  This is the first time I've intentionally experienced HHILD).  Dealer's choice for whether you need to spell it out in post titles.  

    What I like about SSILD is that it encourages a very laid back approach where you don't need to exert a ton of effort and/or lose sleep.  Because of this, I highly recommend SSILD as your "weekday" technique.  Set a reoccurring alarm for an early AM hour every Su - Th.  When your alarm goes off, take a drink of water, use the restroom, or whatever, then go back to bed and commit ~2-5 minutes to SSILD.  It doesn't take much.  Fall asleep naturally and you are done.  The magic will then happen.  You can expect it to be spontaneous in nature and during the sleep cycle you just entered.

    On the flip side of this, save your weekends (Friday and Saturday nights) for more time consuming training (WBTB, WILD, etc.).   It's still very important to continue training in the traditional techniques if your goal is to to be able to go from a conscious waking state to a lucid dream whenever you want.  
    It certainly seems like that is a good idea. I will keep testing! Another plus is that the stuff you have to do during SSILD is relaxing in itself.

    Are you a successful SSILDer yourself?

    Btw on a whole other note, I always find it odd/slightly amusing that some countries consider Sunday a weekday. Here in Denmark we consider Monday the first day of the week, and the weekdays are Mon-Fri :)  
    Some of my earliest dream experiences were related to SSILD.  I have become lucid on a couple of occasions, but most often get false awakenings and realistic dreams, as well as one other topic that is off limits in this forum.   It's all welcome in my book!  
    SenseS Initiated Lucid Dream.  
    Please, teach us about hypersonic-hyperbaric-induced lucid dreaming...  
    Well, it's pretty simple.  You go to sleep in a hyperbaric chamber, and as you go to sleep, you imagine that the chamber is travelling faster than the speed of sound.  I improve the illusion by actually having the chamber moving faster than sound, but that shouldn't strictly be necessary.

    10% of the time, it works every time.