• 主题:Ssild Help.
  • Last night I attempted what I understand to be the Senses Induced Lucid Dreaming method. I set an alarm for 4.5 hours after I expected to fall asleep. This alarm ended up being at 2:30 a.m. I woke up and used the restroom once in between the time I fell asleep and the time the alarm woke me up, if that matters.

    Anyway, 2:30 rolls around and I wake up. I spend about 5 minutes using the bathroom again and reading out of a book a little. Then I begin my attempt. I begin going through the repetitions. I spend a few seconds focusing on the lights on the back of my eyelids. Then I focus on the noise in my ears and the sound of the ceiling fan. I then proceed (sorry if I am boring you) to focus on my sense of touch. Eventually I start to feel relaxed. I thought I felt little waves of heat going over me. The fan starts to get quieter. My muscles sink down. Then, my heart begins to pound like crazy. I can also feel my eyes moving rapidly under my lids.

    I get scared because this felt like a WILD experience. I was afraid maybe I would enter sleep paralysis (maybe I am just stupid). this absolutely terrifies me because of the whole hallucination thing. I try to see if I can enter that so called tunnel of light. Nothing. Obviously, I am not in SP. Anyway, I am entirely too excited to fall asleep. I can't decide what to do, so I just get up.

    Was I at all close to a successful SSILD? I can provide more information if you want.

    **TL;DR: I tried to SSILD, and I freaked out because my heart started pounding like crazy, and my eyes felt like they were moving all over the place.**    
    I got the crazy heartbeat thing. Help would be appreciated.  
    Let yourself go into SP. It is a great way to jump into a lucid dream, and it really isn't as scary as people make it out to be. Even when I do hallucinate in SP, I realize it is all my mind, and I find it fascinating rather than scary.  
    Remember, the goal is not to feel anything, but to just do it.

    How many reps did you do?

    After 4 - 5 you're just suposed to stop and start sleeping, you're not WILDing.  
    Check out the other comments. They were pretty helpful. At least, I hope they will be.  
    Thing is I get scared fairly easy. Dude, I'm terrified of the nightmare I had when I was like 4 about E.T.  
    Yeah, I probably did too many. Thanks. I will try again.  
    I just noticed that you are the same guy who helped me before, so thanks again.  
    No problem :p Always happy to help!  
    Hey, you might want to change your flair. It's misleading. You know a lot more that it implies.  
    Sorry, what do you mean by reps?  
    The weird thing is your heart isn't actually physically pounding, i haven't see any explanation for some of the odd effects people experience while entering sleep paralisis, some tingling and losing feeling in your body makes sense, the rest of it, energy, sounds heart pounding and out of body expirence stuff im not sure about.  
    I could feel it in my chest, though. That's weird. I'm confused.  
    He's talking about what cosmiciron referred to as a "cycle" in the original SSILD tutorial. Each rep or cycle contains three actions: First, one must focus on their sense of sight; second, their sense of sound; and third, their sense of touch/physical awareness (e.g. blood pumping, lungs expanding, sheets against body).  
    The heart thing sucks. But at least you didn't see any demon hallucinations.  
    Thanks. I've said it before. I have never had a lucid dream but i know a lot about the subject. It's a curse and a blessing.  
    http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-techniques/129734-senses-initiated-lucid-dream-ssild.html this link has a step by step with the reps explained in it  
    Indeed. A valid point.  
    Oh, ok. That sucks, dude.  
    Yeah, it sucks :P

    Still trying though!  
    First, the heartbeat thing is pure illusive and harmless. Do not worry about it and once you get past it you will have a fantastic WILD experience. Second, what you experienced is a side effect resulted from doing SSILD incorrectly. SSILD, although looks similar to many other traditional techniques, is actually quite unconventional. For example, it does not require you to stay completely still. You are free to move around and make yourself feel as comfortable as possible. In fact, when you deliberately try to stay still (many who are accustomed to the old techniques tend to unintentionally do that) you either cause your body to tense up and render SSILD less effective, or you encounter what you described in this thread. While this kind of WILD can be quite fun and... wild (LOL), it can be scary for the first time.  
    Wait a minute... does SSLID lead to WILD?  
    Yes, it is quite often that SSILD lead directly to WILD; however, I'd prefer people to see that as a pleasant surprise when it happens, and not the effect to be sought after.