• 主题:Mild Troubleshooting Falling Asleep After Visualization Ste
  • I'm new to LD,

    Over the past week or so  I  have been practicing the MILD technique mixed with the SSILD technique (for purposes of physical relaxation focusing on senses helps) as I am falling asleep at night, and have had trouble accomplishing the last step, which is actually falling asleep. I can become very relaxed and feel my body begin to enter SP, as well as clearly visualize what my lucid dream will be, but after this point certain things make me start the whole process over. On one occasion, right before falling asleep, I started experiencing annoying [hypnagogia](http://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/hypnagogic-state.html) such as a loud ear-piercing Bang/Cracking noise. Another time, I was on the brink of  consciousnesses, when I began to feel a rattling of my body, as well as a very dark presence sweep over me.

    Before attempting LD i would just let my mind wander until I fall asleep. Could trying to focus on my Hypnagogia be the problem? Its been taking me 2 hours to fall asleep, as apposed to the 10-15 previously

    **Extra Information**
    I have been keeping a dream journal and I am able to write a page or 2 and recall one or two dreams most nights, before LD i could not recall anything. I have stressful/dark dreams most nights.

    Any help is appreciated, ask if more context is needed    
    First off, you shouldn't be "annoyed" by hypnagogia! They are signs that you are getting extremely close to having a WILD! Manage them properly and you will succeed and experience the wonder of going into your dreams while remaining fully conscious!

    Secondly, mixing SSILD with other techniques will likely result in less than optimal result. The idea of SSILD is to avoid complicated mental exercises such as autosuggestions, visualizations, imagining and rehearsing dreams, and etc. You are supposed to just do the cycles in the most "mindless" way and then forget about it and go to sleep. You don't even need to think about lucid dreaming as you fall asleep!  
    thanks for the help, i guess I'm just using the techniques improperly