• 主题:Quick Question On Ssild
  • All the tutorials I've read say something to the effect of "wake up 4-5 hours into sleeping" to attempt SSILD. Should I do this strictly or just wake up naturally after a REM cycle (as I usually do)?    
    You can do both, although I recommend following the tutorial exactly at least for the first few attempts until you get a hang of it.  
    I'm only new to lucid dreaming and I have seen people talk about REM SSILD WBTB etc. Can someone take their time and possibly explain these or link me to some site that explains them?  
    REM = Rapid Eye Movement. REM is the sleeping state in which you dream. When you sleep you go through cycles of REM and non REM states. It is called REM because when you're dreaming your eyes, in real life, are moving.

    SSILD = Senses Initiated Lucid Dream. This is one of the many methods you can do to achieve lucidity in a dream. This one is based on focusing alternatively on what you see, what you hear, and what you feel. This kinds of methods are recommended to be done using a technique called WBTB.

    WBTB = Wake Back To Bed. This is a technique in which you go to sleep and set an alarm to wake up 4-5 hours later and then getting back to bed 30mins-1hour later so when you fall asleep you go directly to a REM state or dreaming state, this way increasing the chances of methods such as ssild working better.

    Anything else you could search  it on google or this subreddit, where you can get detailed information about whatever you want to know.  
    Upvote for you kind sir.