• 主题:Theory About Wbtb Wild
  • I've been struggling to get any consistency with LD'ing. It just won't "click".
    But I have a thery about why my attempts to WILD have been so difficult.

    I tend to wake breifly after every REM epoisode, which is quite good for dream recall.
    However, if I try to WBTB, I ususally end up trying for ages, and then just falling asleep, only waking after the next REM cycle, if I'm lucky.

    Anyway, my theory is that waking just after a REM cycle is no good, because the next REM cycle could be 60-90 minutes away,so doing a WILD is really difficult then.

    What is needed is to wake just before the REM cycle begins.

    Not sure how to do that, except by setting an alarm clock just after I wake to go off again in maybe an hours' time.

    Do people think that would work?  
    Sorry Sageous, meant to say, my WBTB/WILD attempts are usually after some hours of sleep. I find I often wake just after each REM period, and that can be at 3-4am, after 5 hours sleep.

    bb316 - yea that's how I've had a successful WILD, sort of, but just by sticking at it, not actually getting up for over an hour. I should try that.  
    WBTB by itself works best if you stay awake long enough so when you finally go back to bed you hit REM right away due to the rebound effect. This of course is easier said than done, not mention the risk of unable to fall back to sleep. IMO it is okay to try this long WBTB + WILD combo once in a while but in a long run you are better off with shorter WBTB combined with non-WILD techniques such as MILD and SSILD.