• 主题:Can Confirm Ssild Is A Gift From The Heavens
  • after a few months of constantly trying to LD every night, and only getting like 2 total, my very first attempt [SSILD](http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-techniques/129734-senses-initiated-lucid-dream-ssild.html) I got a nice vivid lucid dream. Also worked again the next day! At first I didn't want to attempt ssild because it seemed so complicated and too many steps, and didn't seem promising, but after finally attempting it, its the real shit. If you are struggling with LDs, and haven't tried ssild yet, try it for at least a week and youll probably get your first lucid dreams.    
    Is it more vivid vs FILD? (If you've tried that?)

    I'm new to lucid dreaming but I had my first super short lucid dream using FILD last night and I'm wondering if it's worth doing this technique since FILD is so easy.  
    Omg SSILD has had more posts of success lately. Cant wait to try it :D u reckon its worth it and beginner friendly?  
    Damn, thats awesome! And how did you realiae you were dreaming was it randomly during the dream? Thanks  
    thats some trippy stuff, wow. ill be sure to do a RC if it seems to be "not working" incase I fell asleep too and have a false awakening.

    Thank you for sharing your experience  
    SSILD is OK.  It is one way of many to focus your awareness outside of your head and to quiet the inner voice/chatter while you fall asleep.  There are a bunch of different kinds of visualizations if you investigate, for example, dream yoga (which has done pratices like SSILD for millenia).   They all give you a place to direct your awareness while gradually falling asleep.

    I find any sort of alternation of center of attention is useful.   Feel free to play with the cycles:

    * vision: imagine projecting yourself forwards into your field of view
    * hearing (I find this the most relaxing of the 3): totally relax the eyes, keep a bit of unfocused awareness on vision

    * body: totally relax body and mind, release all stress from body

    Invent new places to put your attention.    I usually do very short cycles and frequently change the focus.   Sometimes I just do vision and hearing, so I can more easily "forget my body", which the body cycle sometimes interferes with.

    And through it all: relax, relax, relax, let go.    "Looking hard" with vision like you're trying to shoot lasers out of your eyes will just keep you awake.  
    I've never successfully LD'd before, but this method looks pretty cool. I might try it out.  
    To add to this, a dream journal is very important, that alone gives me at least a dream a week, where before I didn't remember anything for months/years. I may try this technique.  
    i keep falling asleep while trying it. should i wake myself up more, or should i have a similar amount of awakeness as i do when i attempt FILD?  
    i find it very difficult not to look hard  
    If you can fall asleep then it's not an issue.   Looking hard was one of the main things keeping me awake.   I realized I was holding a lot of tension in my eyes.  Releasing this tension is key for me getting back to sleep after a WBTB.  
    deleted  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7964  [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/98392)  
    The link in the post is malicious.
    It tried to install app on my android phone.  
    I tried the WBTB and FILD methods neither worked. I'll look into this and hopefully it works. Thanks for sharing ;)  
    Shut up you idiot. it is not malicious. Dreamviews is a well known lucid dreaming forums. Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/76b6c94697dcaa18cffe56fa7733be17b651b75ce7fc7c0c176a2390b8aae020/analysis/  
    LOL. I legit laughed so hard when you said "Shut up you idiot"  
    I was using the technique for the past two weeks without any knowledge of it being a technique. I seem to LD everytime i try it, but holding the lucidity is almost impossible for me. As soo as i am aware its a dream, I wake up.  
    I've never had an LD before, but after the description I realized that I did something similar with hypnosis, and once had a very very close experience, and after reading the whole post, it could have been an FA, since everything was buzzy and such. Kinda cool.  
    I'll put my vote in here too, my first consciously triggered LD was by SSILD too. I did a few rounds of it, fell asleep and voila, in a dream.  
    Everything is a virus or malicious to them  
    I haven't had an LD in years and I kind of gave up on it. Yesterday I read the posts on SSILD and I thought I'd give it a try. **IT WORKED!** Everything felt so real and so powerful: it was amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this!  
    They're all methods of achieving the same goal, so they shouldn't have an effect on the lucidity of the dream. Increasing vividness is more the job of stabilisation techniques (rubbing hands together, among others).  
    I figured I'd give it a shot after seeing this post, didn't even think I was doing it right. I had a very vivid dream about using my camera to record a tornado, and towards the end I "knew" it was a dream.  Although I didn't have any control and had somehow convinced myself that I'd be able to bring the footage back to the waking world, lol.

    I must try this some more.  
    I am an idiot because I warned you? Why would I lie about it? A pop-up said 26% of my phone is virus, I should download an app which will clean my phone. Which is obviously a scam. Virus total cannot find it because it's not a virus. I don't understand Reddit. You call me idiot because I want you to be safe? What's the logic in that? Why am I idiot? Please explain it to me.  
    I'm still slightly confused with SSILD.

    You do the cycles, THEN fall asleep?
    Or do you do the cycles until you fall asleep?  
    How awake do you have to be to this to work after waking up?
    I tried for a week and haven't had any success sadly :/  
    I also just want to say that SSILD is nothing special, it is not a magical Chinese method like the author wants you to think. It is a repackaged version of what they have practiced in Tibetan Dream Yoga for literally thousands of years.  
    Actually, it's not DreamViews doing that. Some apps are known to do that. (A MP3 downloader or something popped up fake virus warnings)  

    If you wanna be REALL safe, root your phone like a pro, get AdAway, and install Avast + MalwareBytes  
    DreamViews is the biggest discussion board regarding lucid dreaming on the internet, they're very unlikely to be malicious.  
    Tibetan Dream Yoga's main focus has always been what you do within the dreams, never so much in terms of induction techniques and there isn't a great number of variations. I wonder exactly where in Dream Yoga you read about similar techniques and how you came to the conclusion that this is just a "repackage." I'd very much like to see a quote for that. Besides, lucid dreaming has been practiced for thousands of years in many forms. In a way you can find similarities between all modern day techniques and traditional methods.

    SSILD was developed with the sole purpose to help people struggling with lucid dreaming, and no-one is profiting from it. I posted the method into public domain and that's it. I haven't even been online that much ever since I did it. Whether you like it or not is your own business, that has always been the attitude from me. I didn't "want you to think it's a magical Chinese method." The popularity of the method pretty much came by itself. I wasn't pushing it.  
    Don't get me wrong, I personally have done a lot of work with SSILD and I really like the technique and recommend it in a lot of my writings (referencing you of course for helping package it).  
    Thank you for promoting it :) I just wanted to clarify it with you because I had previously been accused by some malicious person who claimed that I wanted  to profit from the technique, which of course was not true. We're good. Thanks again!  
    Nope, I know that you don't profit from the technique, I mean you haven't charged any one for it as far as I know and I got the information for free.

    How is your LD practice going btw? And are you chinese?  
    Nowadays I focus more on investigating many forms of altered/higher state of consciousness. Lucid dreams serve as a good launching platform for that study.

    With SSILD, LD induction has become much easier, even for myself. Prior to SSILD I was able to induce LDs at will, primarily via WILD. However, the effort required to do that was rather high, and there were times I simply didn't feel like doing it. SSILD has changed that. It has become a habit for me to perform a few cycles after a few hours of sleep. Then upon subsequent awakening (for me it's almost always real awakening), I simply shift my focus into the dream state and within seconds I'm in an LD. This process, shall I say, is about as effortless as it goes, for me personally anyway. As the result the number of lucid dreams I receive remains very high without incurring a toll on me physically or mentally.

    Yes I am Chinese-American and live in New York nowadays. :)

    I used to think that fild is the the ultimate technique. But after trying ssild last night and instantly falling into a lucid dream I have to say it's much easier. You should certainly give it a try if fild stops working for you.  

    >1. The best time to practice is after 4 or 5 hours of sleep. You could also combine the practice with WBTB for maximum effect but it is not required.

    How else would you practice this without combining it with WBTB? Don't most people find it difficult to "naturally" wake up 4-5 hours after falling asleep?