• 主题:Morty 1+ Month Of Mindfulness Has Got Me Nowhere
  • Pure mindfulness has nothing (directly) to do with lucid dreaming.   You need to work in a constant element of reflection, looking out for the dream state.   WHY are you tasting your food so mindfully?  To see if it's *dream food*.   Keep that vigilance for the dream state always on your mind along with your experiencing the present moment mindfully.

    Or maybe you're doing everything perfectly and it just takes more time.  1 month is a drop in the bucket in this hobby.

    And how do you know it wasn't due to mindfulness?    Many beginners complain that after trying to LD for a while they get a "random" LD.  No, it wasn't random, it was the result of all the work you did before changing you brain.   That's the point of mindfulness, to create a lucid brain.  So yeah, it probably was from all the stuff you did before.  
    Computer/TV is the hardest.    Maybe put a sticky note on the edge of your monitor with a word/picture on it.   Try to "see yourself" looking at your screen, including noticing what's in your peripheral vision so you see that there is more around you than just the screen.  See yourself sitting in front of your computer, "pulled back" from being stuck within the screen.   I did that one day when in a movie theater watching a movie and had an LD that night :).

    Try to tune in to that feeling of distraction and getting lost, become familiar with it, over time you will become more and more familiar with this feeling and want to get out of it when you notice it.   It takes time so be patient, but steady/consistent.