• 主题:Morty 1+ Month Of Mindfulness Has Got Me Nowhere
  • There is a lot of myth in these mindfulness, all-day awareness stuff. The theories are very sound and people instinctively accept them and many see them as the holy grail of lucid dreaming. People who actually try them and receive a few LDs also tend to swear by them, even though those LDs probably have little to do with the practice and the result is never sustainable. Yes, this is the biggest hype in the field of lucid dreaming and anyone dare to challenge it always gets flamed. Ask how I know that, LOL. I won't go into length here... just think about this: will you learn how to swim if you never get into water? Do what you know about the land also apply to the water? The answer is obviously NO. They are two different environments and have different governing laws/physics. Reality and dream are also like that. What seems logical in waking life doesn't necessarily hold true in dreams. A technique that seems to "make sense" may actually be senseless.  
    SSILD combined with DEILD (particularly Michael Radguda's variation), given some practice, will give you near 100% success rate. It is much more effective and effortless than the meditation/mindfulness/ADA/reflection/RC (and many more "traditional" methods that require you spend countless hours during the day) crap.