• 主题:Question What Inspired You To Do Lucid Dreaming
  • I always thought about something like control your dreams,but I thought it was impossible. And it didn't interest me since then,until I was 15 and found out in the internet that it was possible.    
    For me it's was the fact I could do anything I put my mind to. Fly. Sure. Time travel. Sure. Speak with cosmic beings. Why not. Lol...it's really liberating to me...feels more real than wat life is at times  
    That is incredible.  
    It just spontaneously happened. I think it was a result of keeping dream journals, which were a way to document what, at the time, I believed to be precognitive dreams (which I now believe is just limited perception of the actual nature of time/reality).

    Was freaky and a bit unwelcome, at first (especially the shitty "stuck in a time loop" ones), then I did some reading about it and got braver with playing with it, and now it's awesome.

    I kind of miss the surreal feeling that accompanied not understanding the experience (I equate this to the Fool card, in tarot), but the knowing is pretty great, too. Being able to feel totally awake while in a dreamworld is one of the coolest things ever. "Magic" is a lot easier to perform there, as I understand myself to be limitless.  
    Life has a certain routine and mine was to go to school, study, hangout with boyfriend and friends. It gets boring not to be able to get out of your routine. It helps me experience and explore which is something I can't or made myself believe that I can't do in real life.  
    Wow! Had my first dream a week ago and it only lasted 3 seconds because I was exited af  
    Mine started out short, too. It gets better.

    I've gotten to where I can "summon" mirrors (to mess with my appearance) or read books without breaking the dream. Both used to instantly take me out.  
    Escapism. Books by day and dreams by night is the only thing that justifies my vain existence and offers a temporary solace.  
    It was a reason for me to quit weed and it worked, haven't had much success with ld yet though  
    It's incredible free time, no-one can interfere with, during time normally spent unconscious.  
    When I was 12, around the age you get confirmed as a catholic, my parents decided instead to let me choose, encouraging me to study other religions and see which one was right for me.

    Through my studies, I eventually settled on none, taking a scientific approach to religion and understanding it's role and source within the brain. Eventually, I became fascinated with the idea that people who did things like astral project or visit mystical realms were actually just Lucid Dreaming. That was when I was about 18-19 (hard to pin down an exact time), and I've been interested in it ever since.  
    I discovered LDing when I was 14, found this on the internet and tried doing basic techniques like MILD but they didn't work for me plus I was still too lazy and overloaded with school so I couldn't do WBTB even if I knew about it, and so I gave up. I started having my first lucid dreams this year in August but they were uncontrollable. Now, since this month, I have one lucid dream a day, I have no reasons not to tell my parents about my dreams (but when the day\night for LD sex comes, I won't be that willing, you know) at all. I'm proud of what I can do within my dreams. btw, I'm 20  
    That's a good one!  
    Your parents seem pretty rad  
    To help me remember my DMT trips better  
    Answered a similar question before so here's copypasta

    Before I knew anything about lucid dreaming I once had a non-lucid dream so vivid and real that when I woke up I wasn't sure if the dream was my real life and my waking life was the dream I'm living while my other self dream. In that particular dream I lived a coherent flow of day to day stuff; relationship, family, etc. It felt hyper real, as if I was aware of everything that was around me, not just stuff in my field of vision. The colors were vivid, I especially remember the details and the extremely colorful green in blades of grass that I've never seen in waking life. When I woke up I still remembered how it felt, how realistic and impressionable it was. I even spent the whole afternoon writing a mini essay basically questioning existence. Had I become lucid in that dream, I'm sure it would've been even more incredible. That and one other lucid dream (which was not as hyper realistic but it felt just like waking life) were what got me into lucid dreaming.  
    I was born Buddhist but eventually considered myself atheist. Two years ago my mom, who is a more devout Buddhist but doesn't mind me not being one, invited me to go try a particular sect of Buddhist meditation course. I agreed because it was important to her and I always felt Buddhism had a lot of philosophical and ethical values. I went and found that the course pretty much 80% taught many of the foundations of lucid dreaming. It taught awareness, awareness of self, and awareness of awareness itself. It encouraged participants to fall asleep while counting. It taught the stages of advanced meditation, and signs that you have achieved those stages, which sounded like SP/ OBE/ hypnogogic imagery/ sleep atonia. I still found great value from the experience, but also came to the same conclusion as you did that many religious experiences are forms of LD.  
    That sounds like a really cool course. I'd like to take something like that. I'm interested in meditation but haven't really had a whole lot of "success" (I know you shouldn't think about it that way) with it yet. Can you give more details about the course?  
    20 yrs or so ago I was reading about AP and even listened to some of Monroe's cassette tapes. Never got to AP. Fast forward to present and thought I would try again but some videos had warnings of trying it. I heard LD was "easier" and started reading about it. Maybe I will see what AP is about whether it is something different altogether or another type of LD, but focusing on LD now was the best thing I could have decided. I've not LD yet, but I am shocked by the amount of changes I have made to my life for something I have yet to experience: stopped drinking caffeinated drinks/soda, no more coffee in the mornings, I stopped drinking beer every night, I don't play video games till 11-12 at night for distraction, I eat healthier, I am learning to meditate, performing reality checks which I am trying to evolve into mindfulness or awareness during the day.  
    Awesome that you can actually read! Could you read us a poem from a book in your dreams? I am very curious as to what art comes out of your subconscious! Especially if you regard yourself as not that creative, you might surprise yourself.  
    You are an inspired idiot, take DMT in your dream and report back to us!  
    I have! It's even MORE confusing! But still intense haha  
    Same bro, keep at it  
    I found this subreddit by chance a few months ago, and got interested in this "lucid dreaming" business. I spent at least an hour reading about it, and the rest is history.

    Why did i get interested in it? Well, my sleep cycle was an abomination before i started, and that wasn't really healthy. Lucid dreaming would force me to straighten that out.

    And i love to sleep. Like, LOVE to sleep. I'd sleep all day long if i could, but unfortunely my body doesn't want me to. And to have fun AND sleep? Hell yeah!

    The thought of having my own little universe where i could do whatever i wanted (i know it's all in my head, but still...) always amazed me. For example, just going out into the city in the middle of the night was always an exciting thought for me, but it's pretty dangerous so i can't do that IRL. But in dreams? Yeah, why not?  
    It's called Vipassana Meditation. I took the course in Thailand, but the site seems to point to many different course centers in many countries. http://www.dhamma.org/en-US/index  
    Thank you!  
    In college I started keeping a dream journal of sorts.  I wasn't recording my dreams, but keeping track of what random song was stuck in my head upon waking.  One night I had a particularly vivid dream recorded it and started looking up stuff about dreaming.  I read about lucid dreams and realized I had them naturally a couple times a year.  A couple years later, I saw lucid dreaming brought up on 4chan and how to have them.  That's when I found out you could train your mind to have lucid dreams more often and started practicing and visiting dreamviews regularly.  Lucid dreaming became my main hobby for a little over a year.  
    no problem! I recommend it to anyone, religious or not, as even if you don't buy the religious parts, it still taught great insight into how moderation and mindfulness could help you in everyday life.  
    Doing it once and then finding out what it was year later. Then finally finding out that you can make it happen regularly.  
    After pulling it off a few times when I was younger, I decided to stop because I wanted to let my dreams be what they were intended to be. Then I found my waifu and thought, if I could lucid dream, I bet I could meet her in them. Some of the better sex I've had tbqh.  
    It's amazing.  
    While I have always been very artistic, I have never considered myself a poet, in or outside my dreams. I do paint, sculpt, and compose music there, but none of those things have made it out of the dream realm (not for lack of ability, but more a sense of "putting the toys in the box when done in the playroom").

    The stuff that I read in my dreams is presented as prose (which, I suppose, is entirely my doing), and is usually esoteric in nature. A lesson, an idea, or something meant to meditate on until it makes sense. Some of it is so nonsensical that I doubt it would have value to anyone else.  
    This is wonderful. One little seed has become a big, beautiful tree.  
    There's a girl in my school that I love. I haven't said to her it so I want lucid dream to tell me what it would be if I said that I love her. I know it can be not the right answer but still, I don't want confess to her before my mind tells me if it's good idea.  
    Your mind is going to tell you that, what you expect that she would tell her. If you are unsure about the situation, in a dream she would say :EWWW THATS DISGUSTING. She would react that way,that you think she would in real life. So don't focus one that, just do it.  
    I just want to meet my exes sister who killed herself  
    I've always felt like there's not enough time in a day for free time. This seems like my solution but I haven't been able to LD more than once for a few seconds. Keep coming back to it every so often though.  
    I kinda disagree with you. I think she will say not what I expect, but what my subcounscious mind thinks of this situation. And these may differ. Anyways, I can't just do it, I am afraid she has bf/likes other guy, so I don't want that awkwardness when you say that you love somebody and they just oh, sorry, I already have boyfriend. I will be seeing her for atleast 3 years and, you know, if it would fail, it would be awkward for next 3 years. Yeah, so I don't want that, that's why I am asking my mind what it thinks.  
    Yeah that's what I meant ,hahaha. My English is bad,sorry. :/  
    And good luck!  
    Having them all the time as a kid, and then learning what they were and realizing what I was doing  
    I had an spontaneous LD and started searching for more info.
    I have a lot of goals with LD. The main goal is trying to heal my mind from traumatic experiences, maybe living them again but changing the way thing happened.

    Also, I want to fly, visit other worlds, the outer space, become a super sayian and have sex with some hot celebrities. Lol  
    well im not to worried, im just glad i quit my addiction and i can have some "fun" with dreaming.  
    A boring day job, dreams have always been an escape of reality... Why not control that escape?  
    Talk to her first, get to know a bit about her life, ask her if she's in a relationship of some sorts after speaking to her long enough.  
    Talk to her first, get to know a bit about her life, ask her if she's in a relationship of some sorts after speaking to her long enough.