• 主题:Tricks For Staying Awake
  • I keep falling asleep or getting too distracted and failing to complete cycles. Someone else has mentioned holding an object to stay awake. What other tricks do you use? I normally drink some water, go to the toilet and wash my hands in cold water but it doesn't wake me up enough. Of course the balance is not becoming too awake. I'm going to try washing my face when I attempt it tonight.    
    Falling asleep too quickly is always a better problem to have when it comes to SSILD. There are a few things to try:

    1. Do the quick cycles while sitting up.
    2. Lay flat on your back, and cross your hands right under your chest as if performing a ritual.
    3. Focus harder during the cycles, especially the eye part.
    4. Skip the quick cycles all together.  
    I can actually do the cycles while sitting up???  
    I'd say only the short ones in the beginning. I've seen some people attempt doing the entire SSILD process while sitting down, but I don't know if these experiments went well or not.