• 主题:When Experienced, Do Lds Become Vivid Enough To Be In Par W
  • Absolutely, a fully lucid dream feels like you are in a real physical space, you have depth perception, etc etc. so they basically feel as if you are THERE. Even after you wake up. A good LD can make your entire day.

    And yeah, in the beginning most LDs are blurry and not very vivid, this will improve over time provided you stick with it and continue to be motivated to have vivid LDs.

    Yes, keep a dream journal, it is a FOUNDATIONAL practice, really crucial for developing solid lucid dreaming skill. It makes you subconsciously pay more attention to your dreams, which increases your chance of lucidity, and also it makes you more aware of the fact you could be dreaming at any point in time. Plus, while not all dreams are interesting, I've had some really neat non lucid dreams too, and it's fun to go back and read them. And recall.  
    As with any skill, learning to have clear, vivid, powerful, long LDs is a process with a lot of practice, patience, and dedication involved.. it doesn't just happen.. you have to put a lot of effort into it. If you stop putting effort into it, you stop making progress and can even regress. So just keep it up and be consistent and eventually your LDs will be amazing.