• 主题:Morty Question For The Subreddit Does This Sub Prefer Ada O
  • ADA is completely useless. Mindfulness works to some degree. Both are not very effective methods as far as lucid dream induction technique goes. You can achieve much more frequent LDs via other more direct methods, and in contrary to common belief, ADA/mindfulness has NO lasting effect. With reduced level of intentions to lucid dreaming their effect will diminish very quickly over time. They are also much harder to maintain over long period of time (I'm just saying this on behalf of average users). In all, the effort you have to spend to make these methods to "somewhat" work is very high, while the result will always be lacking. As for increasing vividness of dreams, I don't know if it can be proven. Even if it actually does, same result can be more easily achieved via dream journaling or cartography.

    IMO, a beginner is much better served to go with combinations of WBTB and other more direct methods such as FILD, MILD, DELD (Michael Radguda's Indirect Methods are even more superior) or SSILD.  
    Meaning -- it's not a do it once and works for the rest of your life kind of magic, as commonly perceived by users. If you develop this kind of practice into a lifestyle then it's probably a different story, but even then it's way too much effort as a mean to trigger frequent lucid dreams. Besides, keeping intentions on a fixed subject for a prolonged period is always difficult, generally speaking.  
    Let me clarify it a little more. With this kind of method you have to perform them everyday for the effect, if any, to last. This if employed solely as a mean to induce LDs they are not way too much work. Of course if you think it's something that has other benefits then by all means do them. My opinion on these methods are solely based on the context of lucid dreaming.