• 主题:Sustainable, Long Term Dild Technique
  • Hello all.  As of now, I've been LDing for a year - doing the typical beginner cycle of quitting and beginning over and over.  As of late I've been trying to be more consistent in my efforts.  This year I've had about 45 LDs of varying degrees of lucidity. This month I've had 7.  Most were low lucidity,  though.

    My dilemma: obviously this is a lifelong discipline.  My current strategy involves a lot of day work and night work.  Affirmations, visualizations, mindfulness and the like during the day and during my wbtb sessions (I typically wake 3 times per night naturally).  

    While I feel this will help and be successful as long as I keep it up, it doesn't seem sustainable.   I tend to think about LDing a lot during the day to help induce DILDs. But I can't imagine thinking about LDing all day for the rest of my life.  I'm constantly visualizing, being mindful of myself and my state during the day and affirming during the day.  I'm trying to get consistent results then back off a little at a time until a balance is struck, but it's hard to know if my techniques are actually working.  I mean, I'm getting more LDs than before, so I guess it is working.  Though my recent LDs - my last 10 or so - have been lack luster and disappointing.  I didn't feel like myself in them.  To grade them, they were Cs and Ds.

    I'm rambling now.  I'm wondering if you veteran LDers have found a good balance between consistent DILD LDs and minimal daytime work.   I'm not looking for an "easy way", I just want a sustainable, balanced technique.

    Edit: Also I keep a dream journal and recall 4 dreams per night on average.  I sleep between 7.5 and 8 hours per night.    
    But if DILD can't be reliable, how do you explain Laberge's mastery of it?  He could become lucid on demand.  
    Ah, I understand you now.  In regards to my OP and current technique,  it involves both day work and night work like wbtb and micro awakenings.  I think I'm just going to continue doing what I'm doing.