• 主题:Scene Change Oddities For Awareness
  • Dreams are filled with oddities, but you won't recognize them because the brain's cognitive and analytical functions are suppressed or disabled during REM sleep. To recognize these oddities you have to activate your brain first. WBTB is how you typically achieve this.  
    It's the same thing, due to lack of cognitive and analytical functions. Under such circumstances we can be easily fooled, sometimes even when we do perform Rc and succeed.  
    You don't need to wake up fully but you do need to allow sufficient awakening prior to performing SSILD. The degree of awakening though varies from person to person, therefore you should experiment with the timing. It is important to note that it is unnecessary to wake up fully like the typical WBTB routines. For most people a quick bathroom visit is usually enough.  
    It's possible. The reason to get out of bed is to activate some motor functions. You can accomplish the same thing by simply sitting up a little. If you absolutely can't get up, I suggest you mix SSILD with DEILD. Remind yourself to stay still and attempt dream entry when you wake up next time. By doing SSILD in this fashion, you will unlikely achieve DILDs, but frequent subsequent awakenings are guaranteed. Moreover, subsequent awakenings resulted from this will typically be partially in a trance-like state which can be easily utilized to create conscious dream entry. Michale Radguda's Indirect Methods in this case can be extremely effective. In fact, the combination of SSILD and Indirect Methods can result in near 100% success once mastered.