• 主题:Ssild, Had My 3Rd Lucid Dream!
  • I think I'm some rare oddity. Every time I have tried SSILD it has made me so wide awake that I end up fully awake at 4am unable to sleep at all.  
    I have been trying to lucid dream for 5 months now. I attempt 3x a week by doing wake back to bed.  I allow myself to sleep for 4-5 hours.  Then get up for about 20 minutes to journal my dreams.  Then I do SSILD.

    Generally this results in me being wide awake at like 3am after have been doing cycles for 45minutes and just get bored so I get up and start doing g chores or read.

    I have also tried doing it first thing at night before bed and while it has never given me a lucid dream I did get 1 false awakening.

    I have since switched to trying WILD for about 2 months now but I have had no success with that either.  Every time I try to WILD my body goes into sleep paralysis and I lay there awake for over an hour with no images or hypnagogia.