• 主题:Ssild, Had My 3Rd Lucid Dream!
  • I just had my 3rd Lucid Dream!

    I woke up pretty early, I was feeling really tired and wasn't looking towards doing the cycles but I did anyway. Forced myself to do the cycles, dragged through them. It took me about 10 minutes or so to complete the whole cycles since I like to take my time doing them.

    After that, I kept rolling around in bed and I was like "Aw shit, so hard to sleep now." My mind was pretty much wide awake due to the cycles. I laid still and got bored, my mind just blanked - I was legitimately bored. All the sudden, I had the sudden urge to open my mouth and breath deeply in and out. It just felt like an intuition.

    Cue a few more shallow breaths and being relaxed, a sudden wave of shocks went over me. Wow, so it felt like my chest was being pressed!

    Noises rung all around me and it stopped. Suddenly, I just saw my bed. It appeared in my vision so I got up to walk and everything was so life-like that I had to do a double take. I clapped my hands but I didn't do a RC because I knew it was a dream. My mom was in the living room in real life (I know cause I saw when I was awake) but in the dream she was in the living room and then disappeared. I saw her disappear in my dream when I walked out to the kitchen. It was just like she was there and the next second she wasn't. That's how I knew this was a dream.

    Anyways, I was fully awake and the house was half-dark. All lights were off. I went to bathroom to turn on the switch but the fucking lights wouldn't go on. I even tried to imagine it really quick but it still wouldn't go on and even verbally commanded the lights but nothing happened. I think I did it too fast and that's why it didn't work. Maybe you need to do everything slowly?

    Anyways, I accidentally opened my eyes for some reason and saw real life and then, I was really awake.    
    How many times have you tried it and at what hour?  
    Let me know what happened!  
    I think it's because it's the closest to the last thing your eyes saw before you slept or it's an expectation that it's dark, because you know...sleep.  
    I suggest you don't get out of bed and instead lay in bed and do the cycles right away for about 10 minutes instead. 45 minutes seems a lot, YMMV.  
    I don't know about you. But I always use the snooze feature, I stopped using the timed-auto-snooze alarms because they don't wake me up most of the time since I seem to be a heavy sleeper.

    Now I use snooze-alarms and they wake me up a really good 92% of the time.

    Also, I just had a semi-LD by the SSILD method again ;D  
    With SSILD you do not to wake up too much, unlike traditional WILD methods. Try waking up yourself only slightly -- a quick bathroom visit usually is sufficient.