• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Got thrown in and out of a luciddream 3 times this night with this technique, all 3 was OBE's. Very vivid, also my first OBE's. I atleast THINK it was due the few reps of this I did.
    Thank you  
    I NEED further knowledge about this method, WHY IS IT WORKING?
    One does not simply lucid dream by messing with ones senses.  
    I've succeeded with the method but I'm just interested in why and what happens in the brain..
    Why does this give so much FA's and DEILDS? :O  
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight:
    Well, I can't answer that one  as I have not done much lucid dreaming with this or any other method. However, I do use it, or a very similar method, when I meditate.  As for what happens in the brain, I can't say. Do we know what happens in the brain with any of the other methods?


    Haha I'm not sure.. Well the other techniques have made somewhat sense but this is.. I just don't get how it works  Anyway, I'm happy it does.

    I'll send you a pm about a question I have. I don't want the thread to go off topic.  
    Originally Posted by Randoman:
    Ok so i  went to bed at 10am and fell asleep doing the techinque so im not shure how many cycles  i did but then i natruly woke up at 3:00am . wich is weird beacuse i usly do my wbtb at 4am but any way i coudent fall asleep so i did the technique  till 4oam then went to sleep doing the technique agian then i had a DILD  whent lucid then i thought i woke up but i didt so i guess that somthing i have to wach out for


    Yes, this technique seems to give a lot of FA's and strange awakenings and feelings of that you can't fall asleep when you've actually fallen asleep and woken up again. But I like it. I see it as oppurtunities for DEILDs.  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:

    Does it matter if you forget the order of the trance and maybe repeat parts and not others? Like sight>hearing>sight>touch>sight>hearing.

    Somehow when I'm in the trance I forget what to do, haha.

    Since he hasn't answered I'm going to go ahead and try based on how he've replied before: The point IS to loose track of yourself. You're suppose to wander away and forget what your doing upon entering the trance after some cycles. Just hope you made atleast 2-3 cycles before you fall asleep.  
    Originally Posted by littlezoe:
    I did a WBTB + SSILD again today and got an LD yet again  Althrough now it was directly induced by me after i was in SP after waking up... but still


    Yea this happens to me too with this technique, I just sometimes wake up in sp and get dragged into a dream from almost awake state. It's pretty amazing. These dreams are much more vivid and im much more aware in them compared to normal DILDs  
    Originally Posted by DinoSawr:
    My last few attempts I have been falling asleep too quickly after waking up (sometimes because of poor prior sleep) so I know I need to stay up a little longer before beginning the technique. If I normally sleep on my side, would it be a good idea to go through the cycles lying on my back and then turn over on my side to fall asleep quickly?


    I've had that problem too now in 3 days. I'm too tired due to exercise and stuff so I'm just too tired to go up in the night or notice my wakeups after dreams.

    And yea it seems like a very good idea to do the technique on your back to then roll over and sleep if your too tired. I will do that too.  
    Originally Posted by DinoSawr:
    My last few attempts I have been falling asleep too quickly after waking up (sometimes because of poor prior sleep) so I know I need to stay up a little longer before beginning the technique. If I normally sleep on my side, would it be a good idea to go through the cycles lying on my back and then turn over on my side to fall asleep quickly?


    I've had that problem too now in 3 days. I'm too tired due to exercise and stuff so I'm just too tired to go up in the night or notice my wakeups after dreams.

    And yea it seems like a very good idea to do the technique on your back to then roll over and sleep if your too tired. I will do that too.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Still unable to get some success! It seems like I'm doing the technique okay.

    For all the people that have succeeded; for how many hours did you sleep before getting up for WBTB?


    I simply do it each time i wake up during the night. from 4-7 hours.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Haha sorry CosmicIron.
    It goes something like this:

    I wake up for my WBTB after sleeping for about 5 hours and 30 minutes. I get up, use the restroom, and then get back in bed. All of this happens in about 2 minutes.

    I do the technique, but it seems like I take 25 - 35 seconds on each rep (sight, hear, feel) because my mind keeps wandering and I need to start over, or I'm not real sure how long it has been on that rep. Eventually I do about 3 - 4 cycles and then try to fall asleep.

    And sometimes I find myself doing the same rep over and over again.

    That's pretty much how it goes every night.

    Hows your recall? perhaps your forgetting the dreams and event from the night?
    I would try going to bed earlier to notice every awakening and so on.  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Oh don't worry about that, I go to sleep pretty early  But yeah, you're probably right.

    Perhaps you can put the wbtb a little later if you're going to sleep early and still are very drowsy for your wbtb

    Edit: It's all about adjustments xD  
    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Sounds like a good plan! I may try this tonight too.

    Oh and, do you ever get too awake after your on the internet? Because of the lights, etc.? Sometimes I just get on for a couple of minutes, then I'm unable to go back to sleep.


    Yesterdaynight I decided to surf on my iphone on my wbtb for like 5-10 minutes.
    Never again, ever. I didnt fall asleep and I was up all morning until school. Got 5 hours sleep. xD  
    Originally Posted by [email02protected]:
    Guys I've been praciticng SSILD for like 15 days and stopped because it didn't work after trying 3-4 times for some reason. I claimed that SSILD is not placebo back in the thread, but yes... I think it's placebo, at least, half, IMO. If SSILD works for you consistently then it's not placebo...because I think you found your technique that fits you, and I've already had my own technique before SSILD - didn't stick to it for long time though - I started to use SSILD because I thought it was the solution for WILD during night...but then I had a dryspell -.-

    so don't rely on SSILD too much, I think. few days ago I didn't care about SSILD and then I got instant lucid strangely, and I started to use my own technique again and it's working well...:

    I'm having the same problem with you! I fall alseep too fast xD you can pm me to discuss with this, we can figure it out.

    I don't really care about staying 10 min 30 min whatever the time we have to stay for WBTB - it's really annoying if you waste 30 min and just pass out. I stay up for just 2-5 seconds for WBTB. I think intent is the key


    I would just like to say that I've been using this technique for about 4 weeks and I can say that every night that I sleep somewhat early and manage to get perfect amount of activity on my wbtb, I almost guaranteed get lucid with this technique in either dild or deild. It just gives me great awareness. The quality of my lucids arent so good but I dont think it has to do with the technique, I just need to practice more stabilisation and awareness.  
    Originally Posted by Appe96:
    A quick question, so I don't do anything wrong :S When you do theese cycles do you focus on what you see, hear and feel at the same time or do you seperate them?


    do them seperately but if you end up mixing them up upon being in the trance its fine.