• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Sounds very interesting! It seems to me like you are sort of keeping your mind's dream senses awake in some sense and that could cause one to be more aware during a dream or when entering one. Kind of like a MILD, except using senses?

    What do you think? Could that be what it does?  
    Wow, some crazy success stories already with this technique. Makes me wonder if I should scrap what I've been working on and just do this, hehe.  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    Still no results. Leaning towards placebo.

    But if it's a placebo that works for so many people, is this a bad thing?  
    I have a question before I attempt this tonight:

    If you fall asleep while doing the cycles after having entered the trance a few times, is this okay too?  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    Yes it's perfectly fine! Just make sure you remind yourself to do an RC upon waking up again.

    Cool, thanks!  
    My last few attempts I have been falling asleep too quickly after waking up (sometimes because of poor prior sleep) so I know I need to stay up a little longer before beginning the technique. If I normally sleep on my side, would it be a good idea to go through the cycles lying on my back and then turn over on my side to fall asleep quickly?  

    I did this technique after sleeping for 8 hours and definitely felt the sensations. I went into the trance a little bit as well, forgetting what I was doing and then remembering. Unfortunately, I was a little bit too awake and couldn't fall asleep as fast as I wanted to, but nevertheless I had a short lucid dream later on!

    It lasted for only a few seconds because I freaked myself out, (a detailed account can be found here) but I still think it was the SSILD technique that did that for me. Thank you so much, CosmicIron!  
    I almost had a lucid dream again from this technique, but my mind didn't fully realize the fact that I was dreaming. I considered it for a second, but the whole "Oh snap" phase never occurred where I would be completely lucid.

    I only managed to do 2 cycles of the technique, and I entered the trance once or twice. I suppose I need to pull myself back a little bit more each time I catch myself drifting off?  
    Originally Posted by dakotahnok:
    I think your being a little dramatic "nasty". Also i looked up that site and it doesnt seem to exist. Well the site does exist, but doesnt seem to involve lucid dreaming. Could you provide a link to one of your articles there? I would think that with thousands of test subjects you would ubderstand that this is a placebo. You need to not get so defensive over something that a person on the internet said. Especially when it wasnt that bad.


    It's not a placebo. If you take some time to think about why and how it works, you can see underlying similarities with the MILD and even WILD techniques. I do not understand why you are so quick to declare something null when clearly it has worked for many. Even if you disagree with the technique, I would say you are being unnecessarily aggressive and you are only wasting your time by posting in the first place. You've made your beliefs clear and known, but the rest of us are not interested in what you have to say.  

    I recently had a bit of success with this technique (I have had 2 total instances,) but every other time I attempt the technique it seems that I either fall asleep or get distracted, even on the quick cycling stage! I don't feel like I'm too tired, but this distraction or falling asleep almost always seems to occur. Do you have any suggestions? I am still unsure what was different about the two times I had success with the cycling. Is it possible that I'm waking up at a wrong time and my body is trying to go back into NREM sleep instead of a dream?