• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    That is simply not true. By speaking for "everyone", I assume you have collected some statistical data on a pretty large sample base, or is it just an "impression"?  As with ANY technique, to make it work consistently requires one to keep performing the technique in correct manner with some personal adjustments.  As I've repeatedly said, SSILD is not a technique that's developed solely based on individual experience.  It was the result of collaborative efforts of many people.  Thus, it never lacked clearly documented testimonials since the very beginning.  There are hundreds of first-time success stories, thousands of repeated success, and dozens of people who managed to use the technique to induce LDs/OBEs at will.  All of these mentioned can be found online, albeit mostly in Chinese.  Compared to some of the well-known techniques such as MILD, SSILD is indeed in its infancy, but it does work and there are statistics backing it up.  If it once worked for you but stopped working, I suggest you re-visit the article and read it more carefully.  You should also compare what you are doing now with the times it worked.  Of course, you are free to choose the technique that works best for you, and in no way I'm suggesting SSILD is the best solution for everyone.

    I was wondering...could you link us to that Chinese forum?

    Could you point us to people who collaborated on this?

    Could you share some of those publications you mentioned producing on that other forum?

    I think many here would like to read that info.

    I don't have an accurate statistic but based on the reports we'ver gathered, the success rate is at least 50% if not higher. One thing we do know is that once you get a hang of this it produces consistent results. On the Chinese forum I worked with a smaller group of people, approximately 50, very closely, interacting with them on a daily basis. Five of them learnt to be able to succeed on a daily basis. They were complete amateurs with no prior experience with lucid dreaming. The average time for them to achieve this consistent result is about two months. Aside from these five people, all other members have experienced success, mostly within the first week, and they can average at least one or two LD/OBEs per week. The technique was first released on that forum in August last year. To date we have collected hundreds of detailed report on success.

    Throughout the years I've recorded thousands of LDs and OBEs.
    Would it be possible to share some of this research? I think it would help people greatly, particularly reading the experiences of others.  
    Alright boys, it's just a misunderstanding. Emotion is nearly impossible to read in a text-only post.

    So, I also looked over that Chinese forum. Google Translate produces some fascinating results. It's amazing how metaphors don't translate well from one language to another.

    Still, I could understand a lot from context, and their thread is just like ours. Some success stories, some half-success stories, and some failures. Apparently people dream the same all over the world, no surprise to anyone here.

    I did notice there are only 232 posts in that thread, and even with a 50% success rate that wouldn't equal 'hundreds' of cases.

    Who cares?!

    CosmicIron, we appreciate your sharing this idea with this forum. Many people will find it beneficial.

    For those that don't, no worries. We have a number of other methods in the WIKI and all over the forum. Nearly all of them are some variation of another method. What matters is what works for the individual to achieve good lucid dreaming results.:

    - No method guarantees success with every person.

    - Not every person will lucid dream.

    We are all here to make our best efforts. Let's all work towards that goal and be open to new ideas.    
    Originally Posted by Bobblehat:
    Why are you skeptical? (Feel free to reply in private or start another thread if you don't want to go off topic too much.)

    I, too, would also be interested in this reply.

    You have your audience, CosmicIron, please share your thoughts.