• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • A very interesting method.
    As you said, it doesn't hurt to try, so I think I'll do that =)
    However, i'm a bit insecure about OBE. Although I understand the concept, it's still feel a bit weird. I never had one so maybe that's why I feel a bit unconfortable to imagine me having an OBE.  
    I see...
    Well, now that I have read more about OBE I'm seriously thinking that a old LD of mine could be something similar to an OBE.

    It was after some hours of sleep, I woke up from my bed, and I was in my house (I could visit any part of the house just like in real life.) I could fly, but it was more like swimming on the air. However, I didn't feel any spiritual sensation or something, so maybe it was more a realistic LD. x)