• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • I tryed this last night for the first time  and it worked right away i didt even excpect it to work that fast . and it even caused a false awakening just like they said  so for any sceptics out there about this technique do exactly as they say and it will work  

    iv been doing this for a whiel so it might just be me but i realy think there on to somthing here so dont give up  
    Ok so i  went to bed at 10am and fell asleep doing the techinque so im not shure how many cycles  i did but then i natruly woke up at 3:00am . wich is weird beacuse i usly do my wbtb at 4am but any way i coudent fall asleep so i did the technique  till 4oam then went to sleep doing the technique agian then i had a DILD  whent lucid then i thought i woke up but i didt so i guess that somthing i have to wach out for