• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • lright so far iv tried this 4 times and have had a lucid twice. ON both successful attempts, when i tried SSILD, i did it laying on my back, (i always sleep on my side). So when im trying to go through the cycle my body just wants to go to sleep, and thus on the last cycle i start getting a excitement feeling in my chest (Because i knows im going to roll over and sleep). So i would suggest doing this in a position which you don't normally sleep in. Ill post my results after 10 more attempts.


    I'm going to have to try this, I almost always fall back asleep too quick to perform SSILD, but I can only sleep in one position. I daren't stay awake for too long or I can't go back to sleep (I don't have a happy medium, it's one extreme or the other). Performing it in one position and then rolling over sounds good, I didn't know if it was allowed or not, guess I can only try.