• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Want to get back into Lucid dreaming , havent had time to concentrate on it due to school but with summer here now i have plenty of time  . I am intruiged by this method , going to give it a few shots this week. Wish me luck!  
    I've given this method a go using wbtb the last 3 nights with no success :'( , although i had a FA yesterday but im not sure if that has anything to do with this method. One question , I wear a face mask while sleeping so the sunlight doesn't wake me up in the morning , will that affect this method at all or is it ok to keep wearing it?  
    I find it hard to concentrate on the 3 steps and yes , I find it a little bit difficult to fall back to sleep after attempting SSILD. Any tips?  
    so i should just allow my mind to drift and keep bringing it back to do the exercise?