• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • I did it last night and got a short lucid!  I will definitely be trying again tonight.  
    I tried this again last night.  I went to bed at 12:00am I woke up at 5:00am.  I could not perform the technique.  I was too tired/couldn't concentrate.  I would look at my eyelids, then get distracted or perhaps almost fall asleep but I kept waking back up and starting over, so I was never able to stay away for the whole 4-5 sets.  
    I am going to be trying this technique again tonight.  The first time I tried this technique months ago it worked, so hopefully it will pull through again!  
    Hey CosmicIron, I have been trying SSILD for a few nights.  I am having trouble finding the "happy medium" between being too tired and not being sleepy.  Also, even when I do find the right amount of tired-ness, it just doesn't seem to do anything.  I don't know what I am doing wrong here.  SSILD worked for me the first time I tried it, now I can't get it to do anything.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    Hi Dave,

    You don't need to try deliberately to fall asleep. Doing that will have adverse effect. Treat the cycles as hypnosis (in fact it is), and allow that to bring you into the "trance". Many people, myself included, have discovered that the cycles can easily make us feel sleepy even when we were wide awake. That is, if you do them correctly.  Too many people try to use the cycles as way to bring out HIs, vibrations, and etc., and while they occasionally may succeed, they are doing it wrong.  Usually during the first couple of cycles, we are wide awake, and our mind haven't quieted down yet.  As a result it is very unlikely we will feel anything at this stage, and if you force it, you will end up becoming anxious!  Therefore, you should simply do the first couple of cycles as it is, without any attempt. Just do it for the sake of doing it, allow it help you to relax. As you become more relaxed, you will feel your mind quieting down, and you may begin to "notice" some sensations. For example, the darkness behind your closed eyelids may not be so dark. You may notice some lights, movements, etc. As you listen, you may notice that the outside environment noise become less distracting, and instead you start to hear the ringing noise inside your head more clearly. When you notice these sensations, don't get excited, and don't "focus" on them (unless suddenly they become very obvious). Just quietly observe them without any intent. Doing so will help you get into the trance very quickly.

    Another thing you want to keep in mind is that SSILD is very good at producing FAs; therefore you need to develop the habit of doing RCs every time you wake up after the exercise. When you find yourself not being able to fall asleep, or repeatedly waking up, you should definitely do an RC since these are signs of FAs produced by SSILD.

    If you post more detailed description on how you performed the technique I might be able to help you more. SSILD works! It has been a year since it was developed and we have seen huge successes, so even the slightest doubts have diminished. If it doesn't work for you, then it's something in your routine that needs some fixing. I'm here to help.

    This morning I attempted SSILD again.  I woke up at 7:00AM after 6 hours of sleep.  I stayed awake for about 20 minutes, walking around the house and such.  I went back to bed already feeling tired, but not too tired as I couldn't get my repetitions completed.  During the repetitions I felt eventually felt an odd feeling, but it wasn't very .  I am not sure exactly how many I did, but I think I did at least 4.  By then I was so tired that I stopped and rolled over and went to sleep.  I woke up at 12:12PM remembering 3 dreams, none of them lucid.  

    The only slight trouble I have had performing the technique is that my eyes are very twitchy when I try to stare at my eyelids.  My eyes refuse to cooperate and move around so I can't stare.  I think this might be related to the fact that I have abnormally shaky hands, arms and such.  Anyway, it is difficult to look at my eyelids when my eyes are zooming around in random directions, refusing to stay still.  I am no sure how to make them stop, because thinking about it only seems to make it worse.  

    I was thinking maybe it is possible that I am having lucids/FA's and not remembering them, so I was thinking about setting an alarm maybe an hour after doing SSILD, what are your thoughts on that?

    Thank you very much for your help and I know soon I will succeed with this technique.