• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Hi, I just registered to try and get some help with this technique. So far, I've had no real success with it and I've done it for about a week. I start using it, and it works for a bit. I'll start seeing mental images, hearing sounds, etc. About the time I start getting anything close to a dream, I'll completely forget I was ever doing the techniques, fall asleep, which I thought was the idea...and nothing happens. The closest thing I've gotten to lucidity was a dream about me closing my window because it was cold when it was in fact cold because I left the window open.

    What am I doing wrong? I'm not really concentrating on anything, I'm doing WBTB when I have a chance, but it doesn't work during the night or during daytime naps. I do leave a fan on in my room because I find it easier to fall asleep with white noise in the background. Is this okay, or should I learn to fall asleep without it? It's also not always completely dark when I go to sleep as my curtains don't block a lot of light.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    Please provide me with the following information:

    1. What time did you go to sleep?
    2. What time did you get up?
    3. How long did you stay awake?
    4. How many cycles did you perform before drifting to sleep?
    5. How long did it take you to fall back sleep?
    6. Roughly how long did you perform each step (see, hear, and feel)?

    1. ~9 PM (Yeah, I know, I go to bed early.)
    2. Set my alarm for 3 AM
    3. Just long enough to use the restroom.
    4. Maybe two or three.
    5. Only a few minutes. The first time I did this, I lost sleep because I was concentrating too hard.

    6. I performed them as long as it felt "right." Whatever felt like 15 seconds, I did. Could've been longer or shorter, I suppose, I wasn't paying attention.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    Based on your feedback, I think the cause is insufficient effort. Don't despair, this is better than the other way around actually  My suggestions:

    1. Extend your wake time, say, 5-10 minutes
    2. Make sure you do the full four cycles. Rule of thumb is That after your mind begins to wander you should do at least 2 complete cycles. In your case that would be 4 or 5 cycles.

    3. The last cycle must be performed more diligently.
    4. The "feel right" approach is perfect. No need to change anything I guess for now.

    Let's do this and see what happens. Keep me posted so we can adjust it to make it work for you. Good luck!


    Haven't had a chance to try it yet, will try tonight. Is a fan okay in the background? I find it makes it easier to sleep.  
    Tried it last night, but I kept myself awake. Wasn't even up for that much longer. I did notice, however, that without the fan on, I noticed some strange sensations I had never felt in my earlier attempts. I felt like I was getting lighter and slowly rising off the bed, but again, I lost sleep last night and couldn't make use of the technique. Does have some promise to it, though.  
    I don't get it. The last few times I've tried, I simply haven't been able to do it. My mind wanders restlessly from topic to topic, and won't do the technique for very long. I can do maybe 1 1/2 cycles before my mind begins to wander, but I'm still wide awake.

    What can I do? Is it just my mind is all screwed up? (That wouldn't surprise me, honestly. I do have severe depression. Maybe that has something to do with it.)  
    1. I always sleep 6 hours before waking up and doing stuff for a few minutes. I was told this is ideal for this sort of thing.

    2. Maybe what I took away from that is that I'm looking for results too hard.

    Last time I tried this, I was wearing earplugs because it was an afternoon nap and people were milling about and there were sounds all over the place. I noticed I paid a lot of attention to my breathing. Is that okay?

    It's just extremely frustrating. I'm using this technique to try and produce OBEs. I tried Raduga's methods for over a year with almost no success, and I've been doing this for a few weeks now and I haven't had any success. I find I do a bunch of cycles, then fall asleep and nothing happens.  
    Originally Posted by CosmicIron:
    You summed it correctly -- you are trying too hard. You shouldn't pay attention to ANYTHING! Stay as comfortable as possible, allow your mind to wander. If you wake up without success, don't despair, just keep doing more cycles till you fall asleep. Repeat this and you will have success.


    Still nothing. Last night I noticed that when I'd hear a sound or see something very briefly, it would catch my attention, then disappear shortly afterwards. What is this a sign of?