• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • All right, I succeeded WILD 2 times and had like 3-5 FAs, and had 1 semi-LD after reading this thread

    here's what I did: so I remembered doing SSILD after waking up. I just did it after I immediately woke up during night... and closed eyes. Then I just fell asleep after doing 1 cycle lol. I dreamed of conjuring a huge sickle in my room and playing with it. it was really fun, but never got lucid. when I woke up again I did SSILD for 2 cycles, and then I had 'OBE dream', or I don't if I had that or I just lifted my dream body on purpose, but I DID wild. I shouted clarity! but then I woke up shortly...

    for the third time I did SSILD again for 4 cycles, but this time I was too awoke..so I couldn't fall alseep for 10 mintues. BUT when I fell asleep I lifted my dream body again. this time I could enter lucid dream and I flew out of veranda

    and then in second dream I had a dream of meeting friend of mine - she told me that her dreamed synched with me. I also dreamed of writing a post on this thread that I had succeed with it

    For me 3 cycles are enough to do. I guess the time for staying up for WBTB and cycles depend on each person so I'd suggest you find your own way...

    Anyway, I always tried to find a way to have LD/ WILD during night. (early morning) but I always kept falling asleep and forgetting to do it. Falling asleep easily was the hard part for me, but this technique finally solved the problem! and I broke my dryspell today.

    So thank you so much CosmicIron. I wished I could find a guide for this...and I didn't even know the steps!! thanks so much!  
    ^I agree with you that this is not a placebo...WILD, DILD are placebo :
    I think I found another theory behind this technique.

    /have you guys ever wondered that why you lucid dream well during naps or late morning, not EARLY in the morning?

    The reason is, that the brain structure which allows us to produce those 'dream-like images(hypnagogic images)' called interbrain or diencephalon, is activated with cerebrum both awake together easily at that time, which makes us lucid in dream fluently. However, during night, like I said early in the morning, there's a high possibility of interbrain and cerebrum being asleep.

    So using SSILD, you can activate your interbrain a little stimulating your senses (seeing, feeling, hearing) thus, you can have either OBE, WILD, or even DILD, or at least you suspect your dream!

    well just my opinion. what do you guys think?  
    well I'm not saying WILD and DILD are placebo per se, I meant that those take more intent and right mindset with some effort to have them during night than/contrary to SSILD. just my opinion, well most of my WILDs are from  intent in my head without a thought, it's simple but it's kinda hard  
    Had FA again. Semi-LD - I practiced levitation
    I had a dream that I almost got lucid...  
    One thing that's missed for this technique (I think), is the  intent at the end of cycle!! You have to 'intend' to have WILD or DILD or whatever the techqniue it is, your mind have to have desire to LD, without a thought, without a doubt.

    Carefully following the steps is perfectly fine I think, but with intent I think it would be more successful  
    I forgot to do SSILD during night, but I had awesome semi-LD again! I practiced dream battle with Sanji from One Piece lol. and I tried to do SSILD in dream...  
    I had a perfect FA. I went to the kitchen to drink water and I even did RC. It didn't work so I thought it was reality, and then I went back to bed...  
    for 9 days praciticing SSILD
    failure reasons: forgetting to SSILD, being awake too much, falling asleep too fast lol
    I still don't think it's placebo though, I'm having numerous semi-LDs and FAs  
    Guys I've been praciticng SSILD for like 15 days and stopped because it didn't work after trying 3-4 times for some reason. I claimed that SSILD is not placebo back in the thread, but yes... I think it's placebo, at least, half, IMO. If SSILD works for you consistently then it's not placebo...because I think you found your technique that fits you, and I've already had my own technique before SSILD - didn't stick to it for long time though - I started to use SSILD because I thought it was the solution for WILD during night...but then I had a dryspell -.-

    so don't rely on SSILD too much, I think. few days ago I didn't care about SSILD and then I got instant lucid strangely, and I started to use my own technique again and it's working well...

    Originally Posted by Sydney:
    Well, no success last night. I got up at 5 hours for my WBTB, went to the restroom, then got back in bed. Then fell asleep. :/

    It's weird though; because in my successes (2), I always woke up after about 5 hours and 30 minutes for WBTB. But now whenever I try that, I fall asleep.

    Any tips on how I can keep myself busy during WBTB?  I just sit on my bed for a couple of minutes, trying to keep myself awake lol.


    I'm having the same problem with you! I fall alseep too fast xD you can pm me to discuss with this, we can figure it out.

    I don't really care about staying 10 min 30 min whatever the time we have to stay for WBTB - it's really annoying if you waste 30 min and just pass out. I stay up for just 2-5 seconds for WBTB. I think intent is the key