• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream Ssild
  • Cool, pretty original for a change  
    How dare you abandon my method ;O
    I'm finally trying this, I can't ignore the massive sucess rate.  
    I tried this last night, and I got a lucid out of it! (First attempt! How's that?!)
    Is it just me, or does this make you really aware and energised?
    My dad informed me that I was shouting in my sleep last night, though. Not sure if there's any relation.  
    Sure am
    Hahahah, apparently dad came in and asked me what was up
    And I replied "I'm here, I'm here" Repeatedly.  
    This is pretty crazy
    I look forward to trying again tonight!
    Hahahah, I always forget what three things to do ;3 You know how you can't really think rationally when you first wake up?

    I'm like; "Smell, taste, hear?"
    "No, See, hear, smell?"
    "No, I remember! "Sight, hear,  feel"    
    Same for me happenloo
    How many times you try?