• 主题:Continuing The Wild. Ld4All
  • My actual REM Period begins from 3:00 AM. I Usually go to bed at around 12:00. Few days back i woke up in the middle of a dream due to Nocturnal Emissions at around 2:30, Went to the loo and got back to bed. No sooner had i gone to bed, after a few mins, (half hour) probably, when i was in semi conscious state, had hypnogogic images of me searching for my uncle in the corridor. I realised it to be a dream, since i was pretty much conscious, and suddenly felt a heavy lead blanket over me. Caught unaware i suddenly creeped out of it. It was my first WILD to be precise. Now i am searching for ways to keep my cool and convert it to LD, since i always fear in the dark.