• 主题:The Necessity Of Reality Checks Ld4All
  • Quality is always before quantity but in this case quantity is also very important. You said that RC takes a lot of effort and that they interrupt you, well that's actually a good thing because only if you take time to see if you are awake or asleep you'll realize whether you are in a dream or not and I guess that you do them right but just for to be sure I will try to describe how a RC should be performed:

    Let's say your in your room studying and you decide that you will do a RC: you stop with everything, look around and ask yourself what are you doing, answer on that question. Then ask yourself what you were doing for the last hour, if was studying then go past that time and try to remember different actions. Then ask yourself what are you going to do after whatever action you were doing. After that you can do a physical RC...

    Sometimes RC as RC won't do much in my experience, RC should be an action of the mindset, there should be always a little doubt in your mind whether you're dreaming or not... I've also noticed if you stay in once place for most of the day for most of the week or month or if you stay in some small surroundings and if that becomes your routine RC just somehow loses it's purpose...

    I would suggest to stick to them, I also find them as very good tool not only for realizing that you are in a dream but also for confirmation that you are in a dream and by that I stabilize my dream and prolong them, so I guess there are something more in a RC then just something that should be performed to see if you are in a dream or not...

    Good luck!
              Current LD goal(s): #Find/Meet Dream Guide#