• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Ld4All
  • Hello there. I'm very new to lucid dreaming and I've never had one before. Im not familiar with all of the methods, but I stumbled across this one and it looked perfect for me. I have a few questions that I'll ask in a short answer type format so itll be easier for you to respond to my multiple questions.

    I have an early morning class, and for that reason I've only gotten 4 hours of sleep almost exactly. I always take a nap after my class. When I lay down to take a nap, I seem to get in this mode where I can't move my body but my mind is still active. I forgot what this is called, but I feel very closer to lucidity at this point than any other point. My question here is, would it be alright to do this method when I lay down for a nap, or does it have to be right after waking up in the middle of the night or something?

    Also for the whole "sound" aspect, I have a fan that I sleep with every night because I like the noise. Is this ok to have going on when trying to do the sound part? I'm used to the sound because I've done it my whole life, so in theory I could try to focus on every little sound that the fan produces and still get the same result, right?

              Current LD goal(s): To have my first LD