• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Ld4All
  • cosmic.iron wrote:2c) From head to toe scan your body for any strange sensations such as heaviness, tinglings, movements, etc.


    Just a question...is it necesarry to do it from head to toe?

    Because the first time I decided to try it I could only recall that I had to scan for body sensations and I did it from toe to head instead...

    The next day I noticed it actually said from head to toe so I did that instead...

    But I would personally say that from toe to head seemed to have much more effect...or at least a different effect...

    And when I switched (back) to "from toe to head" I also immediatly noticed a change...

    Because everytime I reached my head I noticed I dozed off more and more (with quite big leaps)...

    It somehow felt more natural to do so...as if I was following "the information flow" as it was travelling through my body and thereby gathering sensory data...untill it finally reached the end station (the brain) and thereby finishing the cycle in a natural way...

    Going from head to toe seemed less effective to me...I did feel becomming more sleepy but not the same way as doing it the other way around...

    It felt like I was more pushing it which would (could) increase the risk of becomming more awake instead...

    Quickly falling asleep after it was certainly MUCH easier with going from toe to head anyway...

    Don't know if it has any significance...

    If it was just a coincidence or a personal preference or if there could possibly be a (subtle) difference between the two...

    So I decided to post these findings anyway...you'll never know right?  
    I'll keep experimenting with it too...

    That part alone could anyway help me to get to sleep very quickly if I need/want to...  
    cosmic.iron wrote:Interesting question! When I wrote "head to toe" I wasn't really being literal... but you did raise a very valid question and your findings might have some significance! I'll go back to my forum and ask them to do some experiment on this.


    An update regarding this...

    I think it's not so much the order in which you do it (going from head to toe, from toe to head or whatever) but just finishing the cycle appropriatly...

    It for me feels more natural to treat the head as the final point so when I reached my head for me the cycle was finished...wich caused me to fall asleep deeper...

    The head to toe failed for me because I didn't see my toes as an (appropriate) end point...so that when I reached my toe it didn't feel like I finished the cycle...

    But last night it did work...it doesn't even matter which point you choose for that matter...as long as you treat that point as the final point (and so reaching it finishes the cycle) it seems to work...

    So it is more something like: Everytime when I reach point X (f.e. head) --> Cycle finished --> Fall asleep deeper...

    I see it is used in a self-hypnosis technique too...I guess that is what actually is going on...lol...  

    I hope I explained it clear enough...if not...say so and I will give it another try...