• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Ld4All
  • Sounds very interesting. I'll try it tonight and check back tomorrow.  
    I tried this for the past few nights. I did not end up having any LD's, but that kind of makes me wonder if I was doing anything wrong. I tried it during WBTB, but I didn't get past the first paying attention to what I was seeing part. I generally fall asleep very quickly; I can lose consciousness in a matter of minutes, or even seconds if I'm really tired. So as soon as I tried, I fell asleep straight away within the first 10 seconds.

    So, the next night I tried to get myself to be more awake during the WBTB. I simply sat up and opened my eyes and looked around for about a minute. But when I tried to SILD, I got interesting results. As soon as I finished the first set, I got a roll over signal so extreme it was almost painful. I tried to ride it out but it was so powerful that I couldn't continue to SILD and just focused on staying still. But even then, the signal kept getting er, and it felt like every muscle in my body was on fire and the intensity would just increase if I didn't roll over. So, eventually I gave in.

    I tried again, this time lying on my side. I got to 3 sets before the roll over signal came again. So I tried moving my legs a little when I needed to in order to satisfy the signal and then continuing the sets. That didn't work either, because while my body stopped screaming to move, my mind was far too awake to fall asleep afterwards.

    Any advice on what I should do differently?  
    cosmic.iron wrote:
    gemini.moon wrote:Any advice on what I should do differently?

    1. Sounds to me you are falling asleep way too fast, LOL. I suggest you to either get up after six hours sleep or stay awake for at least 5-10 minutes before you start SILD.

    2. The sensation you felt is the typical phenomenon experienced when your body attempts to fall asleep when it detects long period of immobility. When you stay immobile for a while, your body, assuming it is sufficiently tird, will attempt to go to sleep.  In order to make sure your mind is already asleep (as a safety measure perhaps), the body sends out a very  signal literally shouting "I'm uncomfortable!". If you respond to it by rolling or other movement then your body will seize to go to sleep; otherwise you body falls asleep and you experience some very strange sensations as it does that. This is in fact a very effective way to WILD but it requires an iron will and takes a long time to accomplish.

    When the above happens, it's always a good indication that you are doing SILD in a wrong way.  SILD does not require you to stay still.  You should be as comfortable as possible!  If you feel an itch, just scratch it.  If you want to roll, do it!  Just do a couple of extra repetitions to compensate for the interruption will be enough.


    Thanks  I'll try that tonight and post back how it goes.  
    I've been trying this a lot lately, and I still have problems because I fall asleep way too quickly. I get up and will be wide awake, but the moment I start the technique I fall asleep within the first few seconds.  What can I do to fix this?  
    cosmic.iron wrote:
    gemini.moon wrote:
    I've been trying this a lot lately, and I still have problems because I fall asleep way too quickly. I get up and will be wide awake, but the moment I start the technique I fall asleep within the first few seconds.  What can I do to fix this?


    Are you doing WBTB?

    Yes, I do WBTB every night 4-6 hours after I go to sleep. I get up and walk around a bit and then go back to sleep. But I'm a very deep sleeper and can fall asleep in a matter of seconds.

    Continued in Part II