• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Ld4All
  • I am new to LDs and have only been experimenting for about 5 days now, this techniques was the first to work for me and works everytime, i think its because it takes me a while to fall asleep and my mind wonders for a long time every night before I eventually fall asleep.

    The problem im having however is that when i do start dreaming, I get so caught up in the dreams because they are so vivid, that i completely forget to do RCs or even realise im dreaming to become lucid. When i wake up i can remember the dreams vividly and recall Dream Signs but i cant become lucid in them, basically i haven't gotten to that "This is a dream" moment yet even though i try to convince myself before attempting LDs

    Any suggestions?  
              Current LD goal(s): 3 LDs a week