• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Ld4All
  • Interesting, I might give this a try. It reminds me of a few WILD's I've had where I imagined myself touching something with my hands and then suddenly I can actually feel it, and from there it's simple. When I did this it worked great. My problem was reaching the state of relaxation and calmness (or whatever) for it to become a vivid sensation... Maybe when I focus on my touch I get distracted and fall asleep quickly, and perhaps switching from one sense to another will help keep me focused... At the same time, when I MILD I repeat my mantra a few times and then just go to sleep as quickly as possible, which I understand you do with this technique as well, instead of repeating it until you fall asleep. So this might work for me.

    Just to see if I got it right, I focus on what I see for a few seconds, then on what I hear, then on what I feel, over and over a few times. Then I just try to fall asleep.

    If I get vivid images/sounds/touch, I should just focus on them and do a WILD (like I did a few times, as mentioned above)? And what If I get some sensations, but not that vividly, I just move on to the next step?

    I think I've seen a SILD around, but I don't remember what it was for (Sound-ILD?), or even if it got used a lot. Doesn't make much of a difference to me...

    and we've had lots of DreamViews users joining LD4all lately (for unfortunate reasons   ), so welcome!    and thanks for sharing this, I'm sure many more people will give it a try.  
    I remembered to try it this morning, but there was too much noise outside and I was too tired from yesterday, so I had a hard time focusing on dreaming and didn't get really far with the technique. I had pretty good recall though, and a couple lucid moments (my main problem for the last 2 or 3 years has been to not wake up prematurely from my LD's...    ). Anyway, I'll see if I give it another try tonight.  
    Tried it again last night, and this time I did the whole thing. Problem is I think my sleep these past two days has been deeper than normal (which may even not be a problem as my main problem with LD's is waking up to quickly ).

    Anyway, I did it on my back, as I can almost never fall asleep on my back and thought on my side I'd just fall right asleep. After I was done I rolled over and took some time to fall asleep. At a couple moments I wandered a bit and couldn't remember which step I was on . I started feeling vibrations very faintly but had a terrible itch which made them go away. I'll try on my side tonight and see what happens.

    I actually got a few low lucid moments, but getting lucid isn't that hard for me, so it's hard to say how much SILD helped there. I'll try it for a few more days and see how it goes. I want to see if this tech can get me lucid more consistently and also see how it affects my LD's in terms of vividness and stability. I did realize better DR in terms of quantity of dreams. I guess I just don't remember that many details because I didn't write them down right away.  
    cosmic.iron wrote:
    My own experience is when this swimming sensation occurs, it will eventually rock you back and forth so hard that you literally get ejected out of your body! Very cool trick!


    This is exactly what happened to me last night  although I wasn't doing SILD, it was just luck, I guess.

    Quick question, what if you fall asleep during the repetitions? Is that a problem or does it only depend on how many repetitions I was able to make before falling asleep?  
    thebotanyofsouls wrote:
    By 6-8 breaths per sense I am fully paralyzed, observing steady tingling sensations, and there is 0 hypnagogic imagery behind my eyelids - just pretty colors.


    These pretty colors are probably hypnagogic imagery, but just the early stages. You usually start out with colors and patterns which then start turning into more defined shapes and then full scenes.  

    And ok, I guess I should try to find a balance between falling asleep during the process and taking long to fall asleep after ir . I ended up trying it a bit this morning, but I mixed in some MILD too. Plus I did a WBTB and ate a banana, so all of those might have helped my lucidity (I didn't wake up right away, so that's cool!).  
    I ended up trying a bit more MILD/SILD and when I got to the hearing part I heard music vividly   . I've heard HH music many times but I never enter a dream with it, I guess it's because it's not that simple to associate it to a dream scene. So this time I realized that and stoped focusing on the music and imagined the sound of my hands rubbing and hitting a surface, and I entered a LD from there  

    I'll keep trying this mixture of MILD and SILD plus WBTB whenever I can/remember, since I bet more practice will give me even better results.