• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Ld4All
  • I gave this a try this morning. It was interesting. I have a semi-cold so was really hard to stay still and not swallow deeply. I went through it around 7 or 8 times, dozed off sometime in there, woke up not realizing i dozed off and did 1 more round and tried to move, hitting what felt like a wall. Which i broke through quickly before i realized what it was. Takes me forever to wake up, so I tend not be very coherent when first waking up. So pretty much blew  a perfect chance for a deild. First time feeling what SP was like, or breaking through it. Going to give this another try tomorrow it was quite simple to do. Thanks  
    I came across something quite interesting the other day while reading a book. its a induction for hypnosis that came about quite sometime ago by the wife of one of the most famous hypnotists around, betty erickson. For the most part you focus on visual, audio, touch a few times similar to sild, but first you focus on external factors. The shirt on your back for touch, something you hear, back of your eyelids or object if eyes are open, then move onto internal, see something you imagine, feel something you imagine, hear something you imagine. Thought it might give you a few ideas on improving or perfecting your sild method. I am sure you can find more info about it on google if you are interested.