• 主题:Help With Ssild Ld4All
  • lpoiuy343 wrote:
    I have tried SSILD and have succeeded on the 1st, 3rd and 4th day.  The thing is that all my LD are short( using any type of method(Mostly SSILD)). Why is this? I have tried to spin in circles, and rub my hands. It made the LD more vivid but few mins after it just went black and a new dream started. Another problem keep occurring in my LD is, when I did my RC's (putting my finger through my palms) my finger got stuck in my palm. It was mid way and it wound't go further. The dream changed after wards because of struggling.  What should I do?



    i have no idea, im new in LD too! why dont you post it in the big post of SSILD?
              Current LD goal(s): master WILD