主题:Do You Remember Lds Better? Ld4AllI've not been having LDs but i wish to ask those who've had some. Do you remember LDs more or better than usual dreams?
Current LD goal(s): Lucid dreams, WILD.
I'm not sure what you mean by "more or better".
If you mean more likely to remember, I would say no. For me personally, I have very bad recall to begin with. I've probably had countless lucid dreams that I don't remember at all.
If you mean remember them in more detail, I say of course! At least, for me. When I LD (and I remember it the next morning) I remember countless more feelings, sensations, and details. My DJ can be filled with a page of a single moment in a LD! I think the detail is more enhanced in a LD. I don't retain as much detail from my NDs.
Current LD goal(s): Increase length, talk to my subconcious.
In terms of remembering the dream itself, LDs are not much different than normal dreams. That is, they are difficult to remember. However, it is likely that you will remember a lot of the "feelings" and "thoughts" that occurred in your LD.
For me, I remember my LD's way better than my ND's about the story, feelings and thoughts
Current LD goal(s): Use the dreamclock
They are just as hard to remember, but when you do remember them you remember them with higher quality, partly because when you're inside the LD you're paying attention to everything.
Current LD goal(s): Have an adventure, have a conversation with DCs
Recall for lucid dreams is generally more vivid, though I've had many that I've forgotten parts of. It's easier to keep track of the details. However, I do think they are a bit easier to remember. When we wake, we generally know if we've had a lucid dream, because we remember the feeling. But we may not remember a certain normal dream at all. Everything varies from person to person though.
Research into memory has repeatedly shown that recall is higher when a person is concentrating on his or her experience. Lucidity is a sort of concentration. In a non-lucid dream, your attention can be pulled willy-nilly; in a lucid dream, you're directing your attention.
It's easier to remember events IRL when you're lucid; it's harder to remember events IRL when you're non-lucid.
Yes, I've personally found that it's easier to remember lucid dreams. Even if I can't recall all the details of a lucid dream, I can usually always recall the fact that I've had a lucid dream and can remember the central problem, or core image, of the dream (and, usually, what triggered lucidity).
Current LD goal(s): Finding specific people at will.