• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Part Ii Ld4All
  • I have read this technique.It is similar to what Michael Raduga teaches on hi site obe4u.com
              Current LD goal(s): Travel  

    Yes, it is quite different.I practised as taught by Mr Raduga and also achieved good results .Once I had a LD and on other occasion I tried concentrating on the noise and then I reached a point where the  sound turned like that of a roaring jet.The main problem was waking in between night without opening your eyes and not moving at all.Mr Raduga suggests that to do this technique perfectly you shouldn't move at all not even your eyes.I generally wake up with an alarm and I have to move a bit to shut it off. I don't have an alarm that shuts off automatically and I'm too lazy to buy one now LOL.In-spite of achieving good results I found it very difficult to do this technique with all the prerequisites. Although Mr Raduga says that you can still do this technique if you move but the results weren't that great when you move too much.

    The way you describe your version of the technique it doesn't require you to stay still as soon as you wake up and from the results people are getting I'm looking forward to this technique with great expectations and I thank you for introducing it here.I understood your technique but I would appreciate if you give an algorithm of actions someone who practices should use.What I mean is step by step instructions after waking in middle of night.

              Current LD goal(s): Travel  
    Ok, I understood.The point of the technique is to do the cycles but to do it lazily so one could fall asleep.

    1.Wake up 4 to 5 hrs. later

    2.Stay awake for 5 to 10 minutes.

    (BTW , Do you recommend being drowsy or completely awake?)

    3.Perform cycles while trying to fall asleep deliberately.
              Current LD goal(s): Travel