• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Part Ii Ld4All
  • This sounds like a very exciting method.  Congratulations to both cosmic.iron and the method's users on the many successes so far.  I'll be sure to try this the next time that I awaken after the appropriate length of time or manage to snag an afternoon nap.


    We need a method that is as effective as it is idiot-proof

    Then clearly this is the technique for me!  

    I experience mild tinnitis (a very soft ringing in the ears in the absence of real external sounds.)  I doubt that this will foul up the technique in any appreciable way but it'll be interesting to see how it goes.  Hey, maybe it'll even help!

    Thanks for taking the time to post this up and help out with so many questions.
              Current LD goal(s): Stand on top of the Great Pyramid.  
    Total success!  I can't believe that this technique worked on the first try.

    I was so sure that I had screwed everything up.  My concentration had wandered a few times during the sense cycling but once I tried to get to sleep I felt kind of wired.  I wound up "giving up" and flopping over to my stomach so I could get some shut-eye.

    After a little tossing and turning, I started hearing a weird noise from out in the hallway.  I went into the hall to investigate.  When I looked back into the bedroom, I saw this green-hued "energy storm" had gathered in my bedroom doorway.  I walked back, curious, and pushed my way through it.  It felt like walking in the open on a very windy day.

    Realizing that I'd had a false awakening, I pushed my finger into my palm for a reality check.  Needless to say, the reality check confirmed everything for me and I took off at a run toward the window to try flying.

    The dream was quite stable.  It seemed to last 10-12 minutes and required no intervention.  I was quite aggressive throughout the dream, trying flying, falling from an enormous height, and conversing with dream characters.  I even informed three of them that they were a part of my lucid dream and got three unique, very interesting reactions.

    I don't yet understand why this technique works but so far it is amazing.  I can't thank you enough for sharing it!  I hope it keeps delivering like it did last night.

              Current LD goal(s): Stand on top of the Great Pyramid.  
    cosmic.iron wrote:
    Glad it worked for you, and I should thank you for trying  One thing to note -- do not concentrate too much while cycling.  Letting your mind wander is desirable as long as you don't fall into sleep in the first couple of cycles.  Always do a reality check upon waking up after doing the exercise because SSILD is extremely good at producing totally realistic FAs.  Congratulations!


    Thank you for the advice.  I think you pointed out something very important that I need to work on.  After my initial resounding success, I've managed to try this three more times and had a couple of extremely interesting results (although not further LDs yet.)

    First, I think I am concentrating a little too hard.  I often wind up "amped up" and have trouble getting back to sleep.  I have even had the , very weird sensation of sinking into the bed.  Since I didn't know what else to do, I tried to "amplify" this strange feeling but could never really convert it into the dream state or an OBE.  I just felt a little "detached" but kind of didn't know what to do next.  I've never performed a WILD and frankly had not prepared for this to happen.  Thus, I was without a clue as to what I was doing.  Cool experience, though.

    Second, I am still a real beginner at dealing with false awakenings and it is showing.  This technique has created several ultra realistic false awakenings that I missed.  I mean, like me dreaming for 20-30 minutes at a stretch about trying to fall asleep, complaining to my wife that "I can't get back to sleep", thinking my baby son is crawling around in the bed with me, you name it.  Even the dream alarm clock gives me realistic results when I look at it!  Somehow I just don't quite think to reality check or look at the clock twice.  It's like I'm afraid I will "make it too hard to get back to sleep".

    Such a great technique.  I've got a lot of issues to work out but I'm really enjoying the process.  Is SSILD something that you still use yourself?  Or now that you are in the thousands of LDs (!!), can you just lucid dream if you get bored sitting on the toilet?  

              Current LD goal(s): Stand on top of the Great Pyramid.  
    cosmic.iron wrote:
    You can try the following method to trigger the WILD at the aforementioned stages:-------

    Great stuff, my friend.  Thanks for taking the time to lay it all out.  It's nice to know that even if I get too buzzed up/tranced I still have the chance to bail out into a WILD.

    I love that even when I botch things up, something cool happens every time with this technique.  So long as I remember to drink that tall glass of water right before bed (for the "bladder alarm clock") I know that I'll be ready to go.  

              Current LD goal(s): Stand on top of the Great Pyramid.  
    cosmic.iron wrote:
    This kind of FAs has almost become the signature feature of SSILD, LOL.  For some reason, SSILD likes to produce hyper realistic FAs, therefore it is critical to develop the habit of RCing every time you wake up after SSILD.  


    I'm just glad I'm not alone!  This thread is becoming a false awakening support group for me.    Good stories from cytariel and Kelsondra.  SSILD just seems to crank so many of these FA's out for me.  False awakenings seem like great entry points into lucid dreams but I am still such a newbie that I usually fail to capitalize.  Reality check for goodness sake!

    The problem is that these are often totally realistic with a minimal amount of dreamlike content.  Luckily, my first FA presented me with a crazy green energy storm that tipped me off.  But the rest have been too "real life" and fooled me: real-looking alarm clock times, me complaining to my wife that I'm having trouble sleeping, my kids coming into the bedroom to wake me up, my wife bringing me downstairs and showing me something on the internet...

    Honestly, I'm so glad that I've never decided that I need to go to the bathroom in one of these things.  I don't know what would happen.  I enjoy pushing the boundaries of the dream world as much as the next guy but let's just not go there.

              Current LD goal(s): Stand on top of the Great Pyramid.  
    I used SSILD in order to induce another lucid dream last night.  This was great fun as usual but I think that I fumbled the ball slightly.  I was wondering what advice cosmic.iron or any others would have on the best way to address this particular scenario.

    I had a false awakening (as often happens with SSILD) and wound up standing near the foot of my bed.  The room was extremely dark but I could see the outline of my wife sleeping in bed.  Most striking to me was that the alarm clock had gone totally dark.  I thought that either the power had gone out or I was dreaming.  I hit the nose pinch reality check and immediately became lucid.

    The trouble that I had was that the room felt oppressively dark.  That's realistic for the bedroom in the very early morning but I was concerned about the stability of the dream scene.  I rubbed my hands over my arms.  This felt just as vivid as usual but the room was still terribly dark and growing darker.

    I tried saying "increase lucidity" but I wound up just harshly whispering it rather than shouting it.  I couldn't get past the idea that I didn't want to wake up my wife.  Even though I knew that she was a DC, it still felt wrong to wake her up!  The darkness kept gently descending until I lost the dream scene.

    What say all of you?  What should I have done differently?

    Crawled around on the floor?

    Run out of the room as fast as possible?  (I did this during my first SSILD lucid and it worked.)

    Stop being a weenie!  Shout "increase lucidity" and just deal with an upset DC wife.  

    Something else?          Current LD goal(s): Stand on top of the Great Pyramid.  
    cosmic.iron wrote:1. Find a switch on the wall and turn on the light.


    2. Imagine a cliff behind you and step backward to fall into it. This is a very fast and effective way to change the dream scene.

    3. Turn on your mobile phone and use that to light up the place... no I'm not kidding.

    4. Grab and examine some objects closely. This works well on restoring your visions. Very handy for those dreadful instances when you experience a total blackout.


    Excellent advice as usual!  Many thanks.  I will try all of the above.

    And that idea with the cliff sounds universally useful for all kinds of situations!  That goes on my official "to do" list.

              Current LD goal(s): Stand on top of the Great Pyramid.  
    cosmic.iron wrote:
    One other thing I'd like to mention is the use of supplement. I highly suggest the combination of Galantamine + Choline Bitartrate + Alpha GPC. This is proven to enhance WILD, but it is even better with SSILD.


    Very interesting!  I don't supplement so my knowledge in this area is a little weak.  I'd sort of been under the impression that galantamine and choline fit best with those who used the WILD method.  But my own experience with SSILD is that it generates lots of DILDs (especially DILDs via false awakening.)  Is there something special about SSILD that makes it uniquely well-suited for this supplementation or is this the general "lucid dreaming cocktail" that you like the best, regardless of technique?

    Also, what dosages and timings do you typically use/recommend for this combo?  Is this a "right before bed" thing or "right before you perform SSILD cycles" thing?

    Is supplementation you still do yourself?  Even though you clearly have no need for supplementation in order to have LDs (as you have thousands!), do you still personally prefer the enhanced clarity and recall that comes from this supplement mixture?

              Current LD goal(s): Stand on top of the Great Pyramid.  
    cosmic.iron wrote:
    As for taking supplements I mainly do it for experiments which I do all kinds. You should see my wife's face when she saw me wearing all those magnetic chips and wires from the Shakti device, LOL.


    I had to get Google to tell me what Shakti was!    Ha ha, that's hilarious... I am trying to imagine the look on my wife's face if I announced that tonight I would be sleeping with a flashing electromagnetic helmet!  So funny.

    Thanks for all of the other info on your supplementation approach.  Very interesting stuff.
              Current LD goal(s): Stand on top of the Great Pyramid.