• 主题:Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (Ssild) Part Ii Ld4All
  • Well out of strange circumstances I ended up trying this. I woke up after a pretty poor night's sleep at 7 AM, got ready had breakfast, went to the gym to find out it's closed   , so I come all the way home pretty tired and just went into bed.

    I remember reading this thread the other day so I decided to try focusing my hearing and touch, i forgot about vision. I did this about twice and then stopped.

    I then must have fell asleep cause I was then in a bath naked playing a online game with a friend. After a while I just became lucid out of the blue, though it only lasted for me to get out of the bath and walk downstairs until I woke up.

    Now I'm not sure if your technique was responsible since I only did it half heartedly and partly correct, though it seems to have helped

              Current LD goal(s): Short term goal: Practise WILD.   Long term goal: Achieve lucidity at will.